Showing posts with label Incompetent Monitoring Officer Rutland County Council. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Incompetent Monitoring Officer Rutland County Council. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Incompetent Monitoring Officer Rutland County Council?

Incompetent Monitoring Officer Rutland County Council?

Is the monitoring officer at Rutland County Council incompetent?

Last week she published a legally binding decision which contains
two recommendations for Oakham Town Council to consider.

They are quite simple and not difficult to understand until the
monitoring officer has decided she now means something different.

Unfortunately for her a the old guard at Oakham Town Council
she has made and published her decision.

Oakham Town Council can not remove me from any outside
body they have appointed me to. Although the monitoring officer
now says that is what she meant.

At no point does she recommend the removal of Cllr Brookes
from anything.


6.1 I consider the following actions to be appropriate to address the breaches that
have been found and am recommending these sanctions to the Town Council:

1. A formal letter should be issued to Councillor Brookes;

2. Councillor Brookes should be formally censured;

3. A press release should be issued by the County Council to coincide with the
publication of this decision notice;

4. Oakham Town Council should not appoint Councillor Brookes to any
Committees or working groups until his conduct improves;

5. Oakham Town Council should arrange for Councillor Brookes to undergo
training to enable him to channel his contribution to the Town Council in a
more productive manner. Such training should include the appropriate use of
social media and effective debating skills.

The monitoring officers email to the assistant Clerk giving her incorrect information.

> > >
> > > Cc: "Monitoring Officer"
> > > >

> > > Subject: RE: Conduct Complaint

> > > Dear Cllr Brookes,

> > > The recommendation can be applied to any committee or working groups, which could include outside appointments.

> > > Full Council business should only be considered at full council, not by any committee (unless there is a delegation in place of course).

> > > If the Council accept the recommendations then I think it would be sensible that a review date is considered and set.

> > > Regards
> > > Debbie Mogg