Showing posts with label Investigations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Investigations. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 08, 2014

Leicestershire Police, What Changes, Investigations, Chief Superintendent Stuart Prior

Leicestershire Police, What Changes, Investigations, Chief Superintendent Stuart Prior

Leadership for investigation and intelligence will be through a single Chief Superintendent, Stuart Prior, supported by a team with specialist knowledge and responsibility.

After initial action/investigation, reports of Crime and Anti-Social Behaviour will be assessed by a new Investigation Management Unit. This unit will ensure that those reports with viable enquiries/actions are allocated for further enquiry, and will ensure excellent victim follow-up for thos reports without viable lines of enquiry or action.

Local crime will be investigated under three hubs across the Force with geographic ownership. Local crime investigation will take place under the Crime Directorate leadership. Crime will be investigated by detectives, police officers and Investigative Support Assistants.

Neighbourhood and response officers will not deal with prisoners but hand them to the investigative hubs, freeing up their time to get back to their area and deal with their core role.