Showing posts with label Invite. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Invite. Show all posts

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Invite, Intraining, NCG, Jobcentre Plus Work Programme, Leicester, We hear You,

Invite, Intraining, NCG, Jobcentre Plus Work Programme, Leicester,
We hear You.
Our Customer Charter.

Your rights and responsibilities while you are with us.

Introduction to the Customer Charter.

We will cover the following things in this Customer Charter including:

Our Commitment to You

Our Complaints and Comments process

Our Equality and Diversity Policies

Health, Safety and Safeguarding

Our Commitment to You

We want to support you in getting a job, learning new skills and progressing in your chosen career. To help you do this, Intraining promises that while on programme with us you will:

Be assigned a dedicated Employment Advisor who will work with you to create a flexible and personalised Career Progression Plan based on your individual needs.

Improve your skills through the use of fully accessible resources and interactive e-learning opportunities.

Receive ongoing structured job search support and guidance to help you find the job you want.
Have access to an up to date electronic job vacancy library.

Be provided with an in-work support plan to help you further improve your skills while in work.

Be treated with dignity and respect at all times when with intraining or one of our subcontractors.

Be invited to give us feedback and raise any concerns with us directly in order that we can continuously improve our programmes.

Complaints and Comments Processes

At Intraining we value your feedback to help us improve our services for you and future customers. We want to know what you think we do well, however we really appreciate your thoughts on how we can improve.

Giving us your Feedback
There are a variety of ways in which you can give us feedback.
These include:

Comment cards

Through our website

Completing surveys online and on paper

Speaking to your advisor and calling our number.

Feedback is displayed on notice boards so that you can see what has already been suggested for improvement and what action we have taken to improve.

Join in one of our Customer Forums

Intraining holds customer forums that you can attend to share thoughts and ideas with other customers and staff. These sessions often cover key themes such as Equality and Diversity, Health and Safety, improving training sessions, your satisfaction with our services and involvement in developing new ideas.

How do I make a Complaint?

If you are unhappy about any aspect of the service that we provide, you can raise your concern with your Employment Advisor, any member of staff or through our Contact Centre. Your Employment Advisor will look to resolve the issue within 5 working days.

If the Employment Advisor cannot resolve the issue to your satisfaction then the Regional Operations Manager and the Office Manager will work with you to ensure we can resolve your concerns.

After another 5 days, if your complaint is still unresolved then you need to write to the Managing Director's office. You will receive an acknowledgement of receipt of your letter within 48 hours. Your complaint will be investigated further, with a final decision provided in writing to you within 10 working 10 days.

We always aim to resolve any concerns before reaching this point, however if you are not satisfied with the final outcome of your complaint, then we will arrange for an external Independent Examiner to review your complaint.

Deatails of Intraining
Manager Director's Office are:

Intraining Managing Director's Office
722, Prince of Wales Road,
S9 4EU

Equality and Diversity Policies.

Intraining recognises and celebrates the wide diversity that exists across its staff, customer and subcontractors base. This diversity reflects differences which include age, disability, HIV status, marital status, mental health, national origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation and social background.

We aim to provide all customers with an environment and training programme that meets your individual needs, to ensure you are able to progress with your own Career Progression Plan. Our trained staff, and this of our subcontractors, will work with you to ensure you the support you need to move into a long term job. We have a wide variety of resources and specialist resources to be able to support every customer in our offices, For those customers who are unable to travel to Intraining offices, we have a wide network of subcontractors , outreach centres and resources that support customers in their homes.

Intraining does not tolerate any form of bullying, harassment or discrimination. There is a code of conduct that we expect every customer, member of staff and visitor to Intraining, or its subcontractors' offices, to follow to ensure we are able to work in a welcoming and hospitable environment,

Health, Safety & Safeguarding.

Intraining is committed to ensuring that all customers are able to access Intraining offices, subcontractors' offices and work experience placements free from harm, and to be protected from any mistreatment or abuse. At Intraining we aim to provide a fully accessible, safe secure environment for all our customers. All of our offices, and those of our subcontractors, are fully inspected and continuously reviewed to ensure that all customers and staff are able to supported in a safe environment. All of our staff are fully CRB checked and will work with you to assure your safety at all times.

If you have any concerns about your safety or the safety of someone you know please talk to your Employment Advisor immediately.

During your induction, we will discuss the key themes that exist regarding Promoting Equality, Valuing Diversity, Health and Safety, Safeguarding, the environment in which we live and providing Feedback. We look forward to seeing you then.

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Invite, Intraining, NCG, Jobcentre Plus Work Programme, Leicester, Welcome to InFIT

Invite, Intraining, NCG, Jobcentre Plus Work Programme, Leicester, Welcome to InFIT

Your guide to our motivational and goal setting course - InFIT.

Introduction to InFit.

At Intraining we realise that taking the first steps back into work can be daunting, especially if you have been unemployed for  long time or feel a little lost getting back into the job market. This course will help you understand your goals based on the type of person you are and how to use this knowledge to get the best out of what's available to you in the world of work.

We want to make sure our time together is as useful as possible. This means finding the best fit between:

Who you are?
What you want?
What's available?

Course Overview.

InFIT is our unique programme, aimed at making you think differently about how you approach your search for work. It will help you take ownership of your own career plan, giving you a focus and a clear route to the job you want and how you wish to develop in that job.

During InFIT, one of our trained coaches will work with you and your small group to identify your barriers and help you to talk about planning your own journey to success. You'll work through exercises and activities to become sure about what you want and understand how to get there.

It will be a relaxed and informal learning environment where you'll meet new people and explore new ideas. You'll increase your own confidence which you can then build in throughout your Work Programme journey with intraining.

At InFIT we might be the experts in finding different ways to help you look for work, but you are the expert on you. It's an opportunity to find out more about what makes you tick and how the work you get can help you to be at your best, more of the time.

We will go over the following areas, utilising interactive tools and techniques:

Building rapport and communicating effectively

Setting and achieving personal outcomes

Staying in a positive state

Presentation Styles

The most effective job search techniques

Team work

We will work with you, as part of a group to help you find out what's stopping you from being in the job you want. We then cover all the different things you could be doing to move yourself from where you are now to where you want to be.

Most of the course is group activities and working in pairs - we take it at your pace and ensure that everyone gets the chance to participate as much or a little as they need. We will adjust the course to the needs of the group, making sure that we're not wasting time.

By the end of the course you will:

Have the confidence to identify your own personal goals.

Gain the strength to make the right decisions

Believe in your own abilities

The course lasts two days and will be delivered in one of the teaching classrooms. You will also have the opportunity to take the Empro* test, which will support your InFit course.

*You can find out more about Empro in our Welcome Leaflet (EMP002)

People who have been on the course say:

"InFIT brought out my confidence to ring up, look for jobs and keep going until I got one."

"The Cold calling session Refreshed me in making me realise anything is possible"

"I'm calmer and more Confident and I know how to use my knowledge more quickly."

"InFIT was confidence booster, threw you into a group with different sorts of people - it was good for social skills"

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Click Here For Leaflet Three
We Hear You.
Our Customer Charter
Your rights and responsibilities while
you are with us.

Invite, Intraining, NCG, Jobcentre Plus Work Programme, Leicester

This week saw my first interview with my advisor at intraining for the new Work Programme.

I took the train to Leicester and arrived a little bit early, its important never to be late.

I met my advisor Richard nice chap also a immigrant from down south.

We had a chat about some of the issues around me finding employment. The time of the session was restricted due to a heavy case load and it appears a reduced number of staff. I would say there was less than half the desks since my last experience of Intraining. Richard is also a trained first aider and referred to large multi story car park, visible from the office window, during his first week he assisted a man who had jumped from the top and landed in the Intraining car park. Fortunately nothing like that happened whilst I was visiting.

The toilet has one of those horrible blue lights meant to make it difficult for drug user to shoot up.

My second appointment was made, I was handed a pack containing three leaflets. Then it was off to see Martin the receptionist who refunded the £13 travel cost.
Here is the content of the three leaflets that explains the programme. The first one explains the steps of the programme. Stereotypical photographs included 'Men are mechanics and Woman cleaners.

We're here to Help.

All you need to know about the Work Programme, delivered by Intraining.

What is the Work Programme?

The Work Programme is the Government's scheme to help long term
unemployed people back into sustained work. It has been developed to
provide a tailored and flexible approach to a wide variety of customers
including those on Jobseekers Allowance and Employment and support

At Intraining we are working with Jobcentre Plus to deliver the right
service to you, enabling you to complete a journey back into work,
finding you the right job that you can keep for a long time.

Work Programme is part funded by the European Social Fund (ESF)
and aims to help tackle worklessness, support the most disadvantaged
and provide the very best for social inclusion. You will receive information
on ESF when you have your first appointment.

Who are Intraining?

Intraining, part of NCG, is one of the largest national training providers
in the UK, with a network of over 50 regional offices across England,
Scotland, and Wales. We work with a diverse mix of people, ranging from
school leavers just starting out on an Apprenticeship to the long-term
unemployed who are looking for a job.

In training will be responsible for the delivery of Work Programme to
you. The Intraining team will be working closely with you, and the
employers within your local area, to give you the best chance of finding
a job and keeping it.

We have developed a flexible, tailored and innovative approach
to getting you back into work and support you to stay in work. We
know that you will need dedicated help and support that is tailored
to your needs.

Intraining customer journey Explained.

The diagram gives you a clear view of your journey, but we will wxplain
some of the stages in more detail to help you understand our approach.

At Intraining we need to find out
what your individual barriers are and
understand the best way to get you
motivated and enthusiastic about looking
for work and then supporting you once
you are in work to keep that job.

In order to deliver the best service we
can for all  our customers, we have
developed a customer journey that you
will go through. However this journey will
be different for each and everyone of
you, as it is developed with your needs
in mind.

The stages give you a progression route
to work with. This helps you understand
how far you have travelled and what you
need to do next. This is
a five-stage process that you can move
through at the pace that suits you.

Stage 1. invite

Referral to Work Programme

This is your official handover to the Work Programme as part of your agreement with Jobcentre Plus to find work. Intraining (NCG) is the organisation that will be responsible for working with you on your route back into work. You will have spoken to one of our team already who booked your first appointment with your Employment Advisor.

Stage 2. Invigorate

Welcome to Intraining (NCG)

This is your official welcome into the Work Programme from Intraining. You will be sitting down with your Employment Advisor at the first meeting for them to get to know you and for you to get to know them and the Intraining office you are in. You will be shown around the facilities. At this point you will be given your welcome Pack, which will have all the information you need to start your journey back into work with us. At
this stage your employment advisor and you will have a better understanding of the next steps, identifying the options you can take up at this stage or whether you are ready to move through to the Inspire or Intensify stages. To finish this stage you will agree a Career Progression Plan that you and your  Employment Advisor will go through and then update as you progress.

Stage 3. inspire

Gathering momentum and addressing barriers

At the invigorate stage you have been working closely with your Employment Advisor to understand your barriers and work out the next steps in your personal journey. This stage is about undertaking activities that will enable you to be prepared for going into work. You will be working through all the actions on your Career Progression Plan; going to group sessions or working on one of e-learning platforms to be ready for applying for jobs. You might need some specialist support to help you overcome certain barriers, our Employment Advisors will be with you every step of the way giving you the support and guidance you need.

Stage 4. intensify

Preparing for Employment

Intensify is the stage in which you start to prepare for work. You have got everything you need to be someone that can succeed in the job market. All you need now is more practical and intensive support; It may be through work placements, learning on the job in  work environments. It could be more proactive and dedicated work on your CV and job applications, this stage is all about you being 'job-ready'

Stage 5. independence

Our Support doesn't stop

You have now got your job. this is the most critical part for Intraining, as we want you to keep that job and enjoy it. We know how different it can feel to be in work, we are here to help you settle in the best way you can. We also do our best to work with your new employer. We will look at the job you are doing and assess whether you need further training, and working with your employer we can make this happen. We know this is an important change for you in your life, and we will be able to give you as much advice as we can to keep you motivated and excited.

The Key things to Remember on your journey with us are:

You Employment Advisor is your main contact, they're your mentor
and coach throughout the process.

You will be given a Career Progression Plan that you work through
and update with your Employment Advisor.

You will have regular, ongoing contact with you Employment Advisor
and will engage in activity every two weeks.

What is our ultimate goal for you?

It's simple really. We want you to have the best opportunity to find a job,
that you likem and support you in keeping that job and progressing in it.
We know it will be tough at times and that is why our service has been
developed to understand your needs better and then help you break
down those barriers in the best possible way.

Our intention is to give you access to activities, tasks and sessions
on a one-to-one or group basis that will enable you to become more
employable, but more importantly mor confident and enthusiastic
about yourself.

Some Important Information to helo you on your journey.

Online Diagnostic and Skills and Attitudes (Empro)
This is a series of questions that will help you understand your current
situation a little better. This will then inform the Career Progression Plan
and provide a structure and flexible timetable of work and activity for you to
complete to move closer to being job-ready.

Career Progression Plan.
The Employment Advisor will use the informtion gathered during their
conversations with you and from your Empro session, to create your  Career
Progression Plan. This will include specific and measurable actions and
clear concise goals. This plan will be continually reviewed and updated
throughout your journey, even when you have found a job, to help you keep it.

Discount Card.
Intraining will reward your journey back into work by providing a card that will
enable you to to receive discounts on purchases for a variety of areas. This
card is to reward you for your journey back into work and will be yours for the
duration of the programme and beyond.

(I think beyond is good no point in discount if you don't have a job and money to spend)

Getting in Touch with intraining

We want to ensure you keep in touch with us, we want to talk to you at every stage of the journey and want you to talk to us if you need to, for whatever reason. The number to call is 033 0123 1200
Open from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.

Click Here To See Leaflet Two Welcome to InFIT.
Your Guide to our motivational and goal
setting fitness course - InFIT.

Click Here To See Leaflet Three We Hear You
Our Customer Charter.
Your rights and responsibilities while
you are with us.