Showing posts with label Its Oakham at War With the Army at Kendrew Barracks and can Leicestershire Police Cope? Rutland Times. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Its Oakham at War With the Army at Kendrew Barracks and can Leicestershire Police Cope? Rutland Times. Show all posts

Friday, July 19, 2013

Its Oakham at War With the Army at Kendrew Barracks and can Leicestershire Police Cope? Rutland Times

I have mentioned previously how people send me messages about their concerns, this morning I received 
communication about the fighting that is happening out about during the evening in Oakham.

Hi Martin, did you hear anything about fights between the people of Oakham and the Army last Saturday 

night? Looked for the story in the Rutland Rag and it seems to have been hushed up. 

According to a police 

officer I was talking too it all kicked off in the town and they simply couldn't cope with the number of fights 

that were breaking out. They just arrested who they could but some got away. 

One guy was on the ground in 

a right state and the person that did it got arrested for GBH!!

according to the officer it was the army. They would have arrested more but there wasn't 

enough police officers around to clear up the mess. Like the officer said never happened 

when the RAF were here. Not supprised the Army weren't mentioned it wouldn't have 

looked good for the town and you can't expect real reporting in the Rutland Rag.

I spotted police appeals on Twitter for witnesses and the story of a man being hospitalised is
published in this weeks Rutland Times but not on-line 
and as normal like the first 4 pages of council press releases and you cant miss that unfortunate photograph on the front page Issued by the Council The BT director up close. 

The mention about the fighting appears to be a police press release revealing very little information and an appeal.

The possibility of fighting was one of the fears raised the last police authority public meeting held at Rutland County Council.