Showing posts with label Jester. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jester. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 04, 2015

William Cross, Rutland Tory County Councillor, Jester, has announced via his Linkedin Profile He Will Be Standing Again For the Rutland Tories

William Cross, Rutland Tory County Councillor, Jester, has announced via his Linkedin Profile He Will Be Standing Again For the Rutland Tories at the May election.

When will this councillor look at the public when they are laughing in meetings at his fooling
then he would realise they are not laughing with him but at him.

Rutland Conservatives appear to be desperate for candidates once again


"Here we are at the beginning of another year. To date the winter has been quite open and the grass has continued its growth. The top 6 inches has been really wet and it will take time for the water to penetrate down through the soil layers.

The hogs from last year's lambing will soon be ready for market and once they have left it will leave more grass feed for the ewe lambs that are taking their place.

We had hope to begin work on creating another pond on the farm, however current conditions are too soft to allow any excavation and movement of spoil. Further sheep fencing will be undertaken to allow a double fencing between which thorn quicks will be planted. This will provide shelter on the top of our hill for the young oaks planted spring 2014.

It is election year and I will be standing again as a County Councillor for the Braunston and Belton Ward. The General Election will create much work for those willing to help distribute leaflets come the time.

We do need to encourage a Conservative lead Government if the UK is to continue to drag herself out of the financial mire created by that other party. A strong Conservative Government will also have added benefits for we who live, work and play in the rural community. View the Vote OK paragraph below."