Showing posts with label Letter to Richard White Oakham Town Clerk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Letter to Richard White Oakham Town Clerk. Show all posts

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Jim Telling Victoria Hall Oakham Rutland, Letter to Richard White Oakham Town Clerk

When I returned to Oakham Town Council, I was pleased Members gave me the
chance to serve the community by representing them on a couple of outside
bodies. It appeared to be an improvement.

After being appointed to Victoria Hall, The Clerk Richard White received a letter and withheld
it from me for many weeks?


From Jim Telling - Secretary  one of the Trustees tell me they have not
seen this letter.

It is no surprise that the Hall secretary has done this, when I look a the
trustee list and see Ex Cllr Maureen Dodds another Rutland County
Councillor and a Ex Tory Councillor Peter Jones who is now the

Victoria Hall is a underused poorly managed community asset, I say poorly
managed because like many other people I find it disgraceful the trustees
 leave it unused for around 7 months of the years.
The fees are so high a lot of organisations are forced to travel to villages
to find affordable spaces, Two examples are Line Dancing and Oakham's
Table Tennis Club. Many artists can not afford the gallery fees.

One of the roles of the Chairman Alf Dewis is to sort disputes not add to them, he has
not got a clue!

Below is  a Email I received from Chairman and Mayor Alf Dewis digging up the past (5 years ago) when I asked  that the letter received was not handed out at the council meeting due to its defamatory

My comments shown in Red

Councillor Brookes

Victoria Hall

I refer to your email regarding the Victoria Hall Trustee’s rejection of your appointment as a Town Council representative that was forwarded to me by the Clerk.  I raise a number of points with you.
Disregarding who originally paid for the cost of the damage to the Victoria Hall notice board it was you, as you admit, that caused the damage when you were previously a councillor.  Therefore, if you have any personal values at all you should now consider recompensing the Council for that damage.  I’m sure that the Clerk will be only be too ready to accept payment from you. 

Over five years ago I displayed a number of pieces homophobic letters and material I had received
from Cllr Charles Haworth and Co. (Co named in court as Former Mayors Paul Beech and Jim 

Link a video image taken by Leicestershire Police and provided for their blog described as Homophobic Crude and Crass by the District Judge.


At the time no damage was caused to the hall a sash window bolt was damaged because the 
council used a screwdriver on the brass fitting instead of a window key.

The police were called by Oakham Town Councillor.

PC Peter Icke. Collar number: 2113 was pressured by Inspector Monks and other
to get me to accept a caution in respect of of the tiny image which the Inspector
had previously deemed not offensive when I first received it in the post and when 
another person complained due to being named as they are on their blog.

As for the lock I offered to buy a new one and fit it from Wilko costing £5

The Hall were asked by PC Icke if they wanted me to do that they said no
later it was found the Town Clerk Richard White without the consent of 
any member of Oakham Town Council paid the hall £90.

No action was taken by the police for the damage to the lock because it was

It is of no consequence why the Trustees have rejected you as a presentative.  They have done so and they have the final say.  Therefore your replacement will be an item for the Council meeting on 8th July and I see no reason why the Trustee’s letter should not be circulated with that agenda. I said at the first informal meeting that we held after the election that it was my intention to improve the image of the Council in the community and this is not a good start.

The matter was not brought to council on the 8th July 
The Chairman's Comment this is not a good start is odd, I was chosen and appointed
by this role for the council if his crony friends were not such fools and behaved
like adults then the council would not have such a poor public image.
Of course there are more serious recent failing that are affecting the council's images
Firstly his failings as chairman and the serious accounting problems.

You are now a councillor and not a member of the public and therefore need to achieve a higher standard of behaviour being continuously in the public eye. As you have regularly stated councillors behaviour must remain above reproach and any misdemeanour/rejection is a matter for the public domain.  I am surprised that you are attempting to gag the Council for your own ends by threatening legal action if the letter is ‘widely distributed’.  As a member of the public you have regularly requested copies of letters and as you are aware members of the public can request a copy of that letter under the Freedom of Information legislation.  I do not consider it to be confidential and therefore do not see why it should be refused.

The only reason  I requested the letter was not distributed because it does not contain the 
truth, I have nothing to hide.

The section which suggest Cllr Mills unlawfully canvassed for the roll is a serious issue.
He has told me and other if this matter becomes a issue he will resign. Cllr Mills has made
it very clear he did not ask for the position and states the letter is incorrect.

As Chairman, I am very disappointed at your attempt to deflect blame from your misdemeanour rather that to stand tall, admit your mistake and take the consequences.

What a cheek, this is coming from a man who unlawfully arranged a contract and illegally
spent taxpayers money, conducted council business unlawfully and unlawfully excluded me 
from a meeting this month. He also bullies people and for him there are no consequences?