Showing posts with label Live museum. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Live museum. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Live@museum, what will happen to the Thousands of pounds of equipment, purchased by Rutland County Council

Live@museum, what will  happen to the Thousands of  pounds  of equipment, recently purchased  by Rutland County Council?

Weeks before Rutland County Council closed Live@museum, it purchased very expensive sound and
lighting equipment.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Oakham Town Partnership, Refuse to Run, Live@museum, Cinema, Theatre and shows, Roger Begy says They want to be paid

Oakham Town Partnership, Refuse to Run, Live@museum, Cinema, Theatre  and shows, Roger Begy says They want to be paid

Rutland County Council decided to close the loss making Live@museum

Former Tory  Councillor  Peter Jones put up a good fight in the form of a public deputation
to save the project from the axe.

The Council has invested heavily in this project and it all appears to be wasted.

There were calls  for volunteers to run it

Cllr Gale proposed the council set aside £10,000

Tory  Leader  Roger Begy said no one would work for that amount of money.

I would it is a lot more than JSA. I wrote to him and his fellow Councillor and
explained those of us in the real world would happily work for a sum much greater
than JSA

Deputy  Tory Leader Terry King spoke claiming the  project was a Oakham
project not a county one. Mr Jones and Beech repeatedly rubbish to what
he was saying and  I agree.

Mr Begy mentioned the young peoples Saturday morning cinema might be saved

He said he was knowledgeable when it came to Arts as he was on the Arts Council
(no comment)

He went on to say he did not know what a cover band was until Mr Jones told him
(I think he means tribute)

To cut a long story the  Council now does nothing for the Arts Culture

They can not afford £10,000 for this, but they can afford £8,000 for
a worthless Bevan Brittan report

Roger Begy added Oakham Town Partnership where asked if they could run it
and he said they refused  but would consider ir if they were paid