Showing posts with label Lynchwood House. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lynchwood House. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Our Stories, A Beautiful World, The Photographic Angle, Lynchwood House, Peterborough Business Park, Lynchwood, PE2 6GG



Lynchwood House, Peterborough Business Park, Lynchwood, PE2 6GG   Free

A Beautiful World

"Those who find beauty in all of nature will find themselves at one with the secrets of life itself."

- L. Wolfe Gilbert.

Beauty can be found in all things, if we just take the time to look for it. Examining the wonders of the natural world has always been, and will continue to be, a great source of inspiration, excitement and intrigue. Capturing and documenting the remarkable, inimitable visual beauty of the world has been a preoccupation for artists, scientists, and photographers the world over as we seek to understand the marvel that is creation, both natural and man-made.

The physical world that surrounds us presents us with an ever-changing, awe-inspiring backdrop to life, from the magnificence of a morning sunrise, the heavenly hues of the changing seasons, the wonder of weather-beaten terrains to the careful construction of the built environment.

But the wonderment and admiration that we harbour for our beautiful world is far deeper than this material connection would suggest. There is also an immeasurable beauty within us which is portrayed in the human interactions that we engage in and the relationships that we form. Our journey through life, from the innocence of childhood right through to the wisdom that is bestowed upon us with age, is etched on our faces for all to see.

Beauty is also present in our close encounters with the creatures we share the planet with and can also be seen in their relationship with the natural world on which they depend.

This exhibition features the work of 19 photographers who have been moved by our beautiful world enough to document it in all its glory. Some have chosen to focus on the physical landscape, some on the animal world, others have taken nature as their inspiration, whilst some have chosen the beauty of people. What they all have in common is a unique and touching interpretation of the beauty they perceive in the world.


Puneeta Sharma, Nicola Davison-Reed, Jagendra Bhardwaj , Dave Foker, Vishali Shyam, Aman Dhanani, Grace Hui, Dwaipayan Basu, Sandra Angers-Blondin, Nicolas William Hughes, John Walker, Robert De Paulis, Michael Gay, Shamma Esoof, Robert Davies, Saransh Bansal, Anikendra Ghosh, Frank Foster, Matt Walkley

11 - 15 September (10am - 3pm)

Our Stories

The Photographic Angle presents an exhibition devoted to documentary photography. Earlier this year we put a call out for photographers who use the camera as a tool for documenting the natural, social and political landscapes of our times. The response has been incredible, and we had the difficult task of selecting the photo-stories that would become part of the 'Our Stories' exhibition.

The twenty photographers in this exhibition show a vast cross-section of the topics to which the practice of documentary photographic is being applied to today. The photographers, all at different stages in their careers, come from around the world, and some travel yet further afield still, to document the stories they wish to tell. Vanessa Terán from Ecuador travelled to the Shimba Hills in Kenya to work in an orphanage and her photo-essay shows the lives of the children she came to know personally there. David Shaw, attended the annual olive harvest in Palestine, documenting a group of people at work on a land in conflict, and Claire Homewood, based in South Africa, travelled through her home country to the Transkei where family friends were carrying out a Xhosa burial ritual.

Photography has always held a complex and inseparable relationship with the 'real' exterior world. When we look at a photograph we cannot escape the deep-rooted belief that we are looking at a true record of the visual world around us; photographs stake their claim on objectivity. Yet every position that is taken gives a unique perspective, every frame separates a moment from time, and every composition selects what will be seen in the photograph and what will be left out. These photographic series can only ever offer a glimpse of the events that they attempt to capture. There is much left unsaid, and much that is relative to the perspectives of the subjects themselves.


Claire Homewood, Misha Maslennikov, Luc Kordas, Vanessa Terán, Miguel Angel Lozano Bonora, Derick Whitson, Abhijit Chakraborty, Onele Mahlangeni, Lee Barry, Terence Lee Ji Long, Somnath Mukherjee, Harry Wakefield, Jophel Botero Ybiosa, David Shaw, Hayley Langan, Alex Cruceru, Sagar Shiriskar, Anurag Arora, Siddharth Haobijam, Alex Mason.

11 - 15 December (10am - 3pm)