Showing posts with label MP Keith Vaz is calling for higher police standards. The Chief Constable Of Leicestershire Police Simon Cole. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MP Keith Vaz is calling for higher police standards. The Chief Constable Of Leicestershire Police Simon Cole. Show all posts

Monday, July 01, 2013

MP Keith Vaz is calling for higher police standards. The Chief Constable Of Leicestershire Police Simon Cole

Keith Vaz MP and The Chief Constable Of Leicestershire Police Simon Cole

MP Vaz is calling for higher police standards.

What Standards? We have a force that prosecutes people who complain
about police standards.

I refer to my coming trial, I am charged with stalking and harassing
a police officer just for publishing and re-tweeting their complaints about the force
and Theresa May and some other recent Tweets and lodging complaints
with Leicestershire Police Professional Standards, copying that email to my MP
and a few other important people, to expose possibly why I am dissatisfied with
Leicestershire Police.  All this lawful conduct apparently undermines a police officer
according to police statements. Remind me I am living in England a free country
and not a police state?

I can't name the officer who states they fear my actions?

I am charged even though that same officer told a standards officer Detective Simon ****** they
probably should not have tweeted what they did.

Twitter is public and its about time this thick force realised if your going to Tweet
from a public Twitter Account the whole world can see those tweets. If any
officer Hash Tags #  including the Home Secretaries name they clearly want a wider
audience to see those Tweets and no privacy has been invaded as alleged by the police.
If as some do set the account to private that is no safe guard, there is a high
risk one of your vetted followers will republish what you Tweet into the public

It is not a criminal offence to Re-tweet, its part of normal twitter usage.

I have no confidence in Leicestershire police it lost any Standards it may have had
many years ago.

Only last week I and another member of the public were having chat with
a local officer who said "I am NOT bothered about Professional Standards"

Whilst Professional  Standards and the IPCC are made up of their own it is
no surprise to hear that sort of comment.

Leicestershire Police, Rutland LPU, Police High Standards always whilst out
and about on duty....