Showing posts with label Meeting of Oakham Town Councils Planning and Parks Committee 22nd October 2014 Report. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Meeting of Oakham Town Councils Planning and Parks Committee 22nd October 2014 Report. Show all posts

Friday, October 24, 2014

Meeting of Oakham Town Councils Planning and Parks Committee 22nd October 2014 Report

Meeting of Oakham Town Councils Planning and Parks Committee 22nd October 2014 Report


APOLOGIES  received from Cllrs Dodds, Guthrie, and Walters


None given




Adam Lowe mentioned he attended a Oakham in Bloom meeting on Monday


Willow Crescent Play Area Park.

Oakham Town Council is to receive funding from WREN
Work to install new play equipment by Kompan should
start within the next 5-6 weeks, the work is expected to
take three weeks

Main Grant Application from WREN for Oakham Skatepark.

Oakham Town Council are meeting with WREN to seek
a grant to upgrade, replace or repair the skatepark in
Cutts Close.

Fencing Around Cutts Close Oakham

Oakham Town Council has obtained a quote
to repaint the fence around the park.
The clerk says its around £3000

(time for local painter to get your quotes down to
the council office)

Oakham Old School, Cutts Close, Church Yard, Church Street, Entrance

The Clerk met with RCC Conservation Officer
He advises the council use a resin based gravel,
or grasscrete to improved the entrance area,
He is also checking to see if planning permission
would be required.

The Clerk had previously acquired a quote for
Tegula Blocks the conservation officer said
these would not be acceptable.

Remembrance Concert, All Saints Church, Oakham.

Saturday 8th November 2014

Rutland Concert Band

Rutland Choral Society


Retiring Collection for the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal

Land off Barleythorpe Road

Clerk said the Solicitor is still waiting for the lease

Car Park adjacent to Brooke Hill Academy

Solicitor still waiting for a response from the Woodland Trust.

Clerk pointed the local strategic partnership environmental questionnaire.

Rutland County Council Places Scrutiny Panel was mentioned

Cllr Joyce Lucas asked is there going to be a three minute silence on the 11th November
Clerk said yes.


I gave a deputation regarding the fitness centre lease and the promotion of Oakham Working


This went on for some time.

Adam Lowe Pointed out a there lot of the information and it was a good
point the did not need to discuss it all this evening.

Rutland Concert Band had approached them for next year.
The Rutland Lions had also contacted the group because they
want to celebrate their 40 years.

The Council wants a presence at
Rutland County Show
Rutland Day
Late Night Shopping

Oakham in Bloom would like to relaunch the best dressed shop window.
And sponsored baubles for the Christmas tree to improve it.

Cllr Lowe said the working group needed at least one new member
on the group, for a fresh input.

Cllr Lucas gave a long presentation about a new leaflet to promote
Oakham to cut it short she pointed out the Discover Rutland leaflet
that contains a whole heap of out of date info, The councils leaflet
would not be produced in the same way and would not include

Cllr Afred Dewis attacked the working group for requesting a reduced
budget for next year, Cllr Lowe stood up to him and pointed out the
council had previously refused to fund some of their planned events.

Cllr Dewis also objected to the same old performer and the small
quantity of summer concerts, forgetting he was a member who
cut the band concert budget a few years ago by £2000 just to make
the council look as if it was being careful with public money

He also pointed out the council attending events like the late night
shopping needs a purpose, its not just about handing out a free glass
of wine and a mince pie,

He pointed you cant have one person marching up the down the street
with flags flying, referring to the groups request to give a unknown
person the freedom of entry to Oakham. Cllr Lucas said it was a typo
and they wanted to make someone a freeman of the town?

Oakham Market Banner the group needed to do more than just put up a banner
to promote this poor market. Pointing out the greater success of his farmers
market (OTP)

A budget request of £6000 of was approved

Cllr Stubbs had to remind Cllr Lucas that he was chairing the meeting.

Cllr Woodcock mentioned the disappointment expressed by one of the groups
who could not perform due to poor weather.

She also made a 'fraudulent slip' ? referring to Oakham in Bloom as Uppingham
in Bloom.

Cllr Lucas said more Cllrs should help run the concerts just her and Cllr Lowe
run them and it was not fair. Then she added Cllr Woodcock had attended each

Cllr Stubbs instructed members to put their hands up clearly if they wanted to

BUDGET 2015 – 2016

The members were meant to discuss the Committee’s budgetary requirements for 2015 - 2016
It appeared they did not do this Cllr Lucas waffled on and on about a rolling replacement
of benches.

There was a rolling project to replace benches in Cutts Close, that was stopped due to good benches
being replaced at considerable cost.

I told her to get a cushion after she pointed out a number of benches throughout the town were
uncomfortable.  she pointed out some needed "tarting up"

She constantly argued there was a rolling plan to replace the towns benches.

The council does not know how many benches it owns.


The tenants have notified Oakham Town Council that they wish to end
their lease and move to the Oakham Enterprise Park at the former

The council agreed the tenants must stick to the terms of the lease and pay
all monies due if they leave early.

Cllr Dewis considers demolition of the building as an option! disgraceful when
you consider Oakham Town Council spent a quarter of it's income setting
up this private business.

Cllr Lucas asked for assurance that the tenant should put the building back
into the condition when they moved in.

The tax payer recently replaced The fitness centres fence, something they were
responsible for.

Cllr Woodcock said the business owners had been given a bad press
and mentioned they had replaced the heating out of their own pocket.

A previous interested party was mentioned.

Cllr Stubbs and Cllr Dewis and the Clerk

Will be having a meeting with a lady who wants to open a nursery school.

Cllr Martin raised concerns about a nursery because most schools nearby
were not full. She would also like the council to consider a move into
the property.

Cllr Dewis said he would not mention his preferred option for the building
at this stage although later in the meeting he can be heard mentioning
demolition to another councillor. A expensive and wasteful option when
you consider the huge amount of tax payers money the council had already

Cllr Lucas said the way the council were handling the matter was crazy.

Cllr Woodcock said she had met the tenant and had told them this would
be coming before to full council and she felt they should be held to the
terms of the contract because she had never been let of a contract.

Cllr Lucas said if a nursery school puts in low toilets they should be made
to replace them with normal ones if they moved out.

Cllr Lowe asked if the budget for next year could reflect the possible
loss of income.

Cllr Lucas appeared not to trust the people selected to investigate the
situation. Suggested Adam Lowe should be on that working party.
she said "You know where I am going"

I tend to agree with her this building has never been put on the open
market and like the current tenants most have been friends of some
one on the council.


Oakham Town Council want to replace the Skatepark

Cllr Stubbs kindly pointed out a hidden document a email from the clerk, once
again the Clerk failing to comply with new local government laws.

He also expressed disappointment that the plans did not include

Cllr Martin pointed out how popular it was and how users would like to see
a new one.

Cllr Lowe raised the issue of the Clerks presentation of only one quote.
(a quote from the Clerks friend)
The Clerk said they would need three quotes because they need if they
approach WREN for a grant.

Cllr Woodcock pointed out police had pointed out young people were
using benches in the park for their stunt bikes.

Cllr Nowell said a previous Mayor of Stamford was responsible for
raising the funds for the New Skate Park, (he was not solely responsible
it involved many members of the community, when I was a Oakham
Town Councillor I attended a meeting at Stamford to see how they
did things it was very impressive and Oakham Town  Council could
learn a lot from them.)

A working group has been set up, the Clerk and Cllr Walters


To consider two documents from Rutland County Council relating to possible works at:
(i) The junction of Burley Road and Woodland View
(ii) Woodland View
and to agree on a response to Rutland County Council

Member agreed with the councils proposals.

They complained they were not included in site visit which included Cllr Plews
the ward councillor from Rutland County Council. Now they know how residents
feel when Rutland County Council claim they have carried out a full consultation
and they have not. I live near these roads and like many other residents we were
not consulted. I understand Cllr Plews did consult with his friend
the one he used to provide cones to stop people parking outside his home.

They council is proposing widening the junction of Woodland View and putting
parking Layby's in Woodland View and Willow Crescent.

Cllr Dewis was very annoyed and critical of Rutland County Council for
once again asking the Town Council to contribute towards a Highways

To decide whether to agree to additional expenditure within the budget for a “switch on” of the
Town’s Christmas illuminations.

Oakham Town Council a “switch on” of the Town’s Christmas illuminations.

This was approved by Councillors

No details or plans for activities surrounding this appeared to prepared.

Members agreed to spend £500 for the switch on.

The two members of the promotion of Oakham Group objected to the expenditure.
Cllr Lucas rather more aggressively stating it was a complete waste of tax payers
money for the council to spend £500 for a 30 second event. An extraordinary outburst,
I can only assume she has not been asked to join the choir or be involved in any of the

Cllr Lucas and Cllr Lowe over the years have wasted more than £500 of tax payers
money on booze at their past events.

I personally have attended Stamford Christmas light switch on and this has always
been fun and attracts hundred of people into the town.

Surely if planned correctly £500 is not a lot of money to spend.

Its a great shame they don't look a little more carefully at the larger expenses that could be
cut, Hanging baskets and Staff just to point out a couple of very wasteful things.  

To consider a report and to decide on the terms of a new Lease for Oakham Home Gardens and
Allotment Society


To delegate authority to the Clerk to spend £850 + VAT for the installation of filming and
recording equipment in the Council Chamber as per the quotation received

The  amount finally agreed was more.