Showing posts with label Mr Guy Goodman Rutland County Council My correspondence was marked confidential and you should respect this.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mr Guy Goodman Rutland County Council My correspondence was marked confidential and you should respect this.. Show all posts

Monday, January 23, 2017

Mr Guy Goodman Rutland County Council My correspondence was marked confidential and you should respect this.

Dear Mr Goodman

Perhaps you, Oakham Town Council and Rutland Council should respect me and stop
harassing me as has been the case over the last 7 years + for simply attempting to do
my job as a Councillor.

A comment in the 2015 - 2016 Audit report made by Grant Thorton points out the councils
failing to accept that Councillors are expected to ask questions and sometimes question the
council may not want to hear and that is what the voters expect of their Councillors. Unfortunately
Oakham Town Council or Rutland County Council do not accept this and spend millions
on attempting to shut up those who ask questions.

This investigation so soon after the last one which cost £13,000 proves the political motivation
of both council as neither have taken any action in respect to other members appalling conduct.

Please could you let me know how much you are being paid by the Rutland Taxpayers for this
current investigation or do I have to wait for the bill to appear on Rutland County Councils

As for respecting your request to acknowledge your marking of communications Private and Confidential, I could point you to case law and examples of incidents where emails sent or received
by Cllrs and marked in this way are not considered private and confidential. As a person who is
working in elements of data protection and has worked for local authorities, I am sure you would have knowledge of this.

I repeat my previous comment about Rutland County Councils website where you will find
documents relating to my alleged conduct. reports published containing my name all marked
private and confidential.



Martin Brookes

Sent: Monday, January 23, 2017 at 9:15 AM
From: "Guy Goodman"
To: "Martin Brookes"
Subject: RE: RE: Confidential: Oakham Town Council - Complaints
Cllr Brookes

I have no problem with you putting in the public domain that you are under investigation and the reasons for this. However, there should not be a running commentary on an investigation. My correspondence was marked confidential and you should respect this.

Guy Goodman