Showing posts with label Neighbourhood Watch in Rutland could fold after resignation. AGM Wednesday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Neighbourhood Watch in Rutland could fold after resignation. AGM Wednesday. Show all posts

Monday, January 25, 2016

Neighbourhood Watch in Rutland could fold after resignation. AGM Wednesday

Rutland annual general meeting will be held in Rutland county councils chamber in Oakham
7pm on Wednesday 27th January 2015

Neighbourhood Watch schemes used to be started by police but these days that does not

Oakham Police are keen to see the Rutland Branch remain.

Personally I feel it has passed it use by date. Most people have mobiles and are
happy to report suspicious activity to the police.

I am told people would prefer to pay to call 101 rather than knock on the door
or call a gossiping town councillor in one area of Oakham.

Wednesday’s meeting will last about an hour and a half.

If you cannot attend but want to know more,

call Mr Horne on 01572 823811 or e-mail r.horne373@btinternet.com.