Showing posts with label No Band Concerts or Oakham Promotions Next Year According to Oakham Town Council Budget Proposal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label No Band Concerts or Oakham Promotions Next Year According to Oakham Town Council Budget Proposal. Show all posts

Saturday, December 10, 2016

No Band Concerts or Oakham Promotions Next Year According to Oakham Town Council Budget Proposal

No Band Concerts or Oakham Promotions Next Year According to Oakham Town Council Budget Proposal

Looking at the draft budget I can see there is no budget for band concerts or events in the town.

Reading the attached report I see that working group requiring a budget are required to submit
their request no later than November.

At no point was this notice given to the council, It is minuted that I raised concerns that
the finance working group led by Cllr Michael Haley had failed to produce a single report for council
through out the last nine months.

I am told Cllr Michael Haley told Cllr Vince Howard he was to late submitting his budget

Who does this horrible man Cllr Michael Haley think he is?

Not content with telling me to jump under a bus or having to resign as a trustee and
treasurer of Victoria Hall,  it now appears he is happy to mess up all the councils
summer and Christmas activities throughout 2017.

The budget he has drawn up makes no sense and as normal the figures are fictional.

One example is shown in  the income section Cutts Close lettings this year £200
I believe the ice cream vendor paid more than this and he estimates an income
of £2000 next year, We had trouble getting the money we did this year.
I would be interested to learn how we are expected to achieve the 2000 estimate.

The Princess Avenue income is estimated at £7500 only this week he sent me
a email telling me the rent is £11,000

On expenditure increase have just been guessed

For example we are meant to be tendering for a toilet cleaning contract and other contracts which expired months ago. all these have been estimated.

Even though in a council meeting we asked that the procedure for tendering should start
nothing has been done.

Postage and Stationary has been reduced by six hundred pounds when I know the costs
are rising due to his pointless repeated reports included in our agenda packs all posted
now because the council refuses to let anyone collect them from the office.

The monitoring officer at Rutland County Council was correct when she said the
council is not working.

It is failing in many ways.

The council can not even get comply with the basic legal requirement to provide information
on a website.

I am constantly told by Rutland County Council ward members for Oakham that they
are not receiving agenda's or minutes. The full council resolved that they should receive them.
I have given up reminding the office. Only on Friday I asked for something myself as a Councillor
and was asked if I had a life.

The Town Council that does nothing for our community needs a good kick up the bottom
or closed down.

Cllr Michael Haley can do us all a do the same as he has at Victoria Hall.