Showing posts with label Not As We Do! "Don't drink in our parks or streets" said a former Tory Oakham Mayor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Not As We Do! "Don't drink in our parks or streets" said a former Tory Oakham Mayor. Show all posts

Sunday, June 09, 2013

Local Governance, Do as We Say, Not As We Do! "Don't drink in our parks or streets" said a former Tory Oakham Mayor

"Don't drink in our parks or streets" said a former Tory Oakham Mayor

Back in 2009 a similar photo set launched a barrage of hate from
those connected to local governance and leads to the current court
case I have to endure, for expressing my rights of freedom of speech.

Nothing has changed all those connected to Oakham Town Council
who voted in the above with the support of police Inspector Johnny
Monks, still think the rules could not possibly apply to them.

The photograph below was taken using a zoom lens on arrival today.
I refrained from taking further, as the afternoon passed the communal
straw helped with the rapid consumption of the hard stuff. I did n't
want any more public money wasted on police time and legal aid.
I suggest if anyone of those connected to our local governance do
approach the police to complain, maybe they should be breathalysed
before giving a statement.

Don't get me wrong, I am not objecting to anyone enjoying a drink
I strongly object to the law makers who clearly consume more
than most of us looking down upon us.

I strongly object to a former Mayor thinking its funny to wave a set of car
keys pretending to be drunker than they probably already are.

Drink Driving is No Joke!

Former Oakham Mayors Consort and Former underwear dropping
School governor and Former Oakham Mayor