Showing posts with label Notices of Election for the local government elections taking place in Rutland on Thursday 4 May 2023 have been published. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Notices of Election for the local government elections taking place in Rutland on Thursday 4 May 2023 have been published. Show all posts

Friday, March 24, 2023

Notices of Election for the local government elections taking place in Rutland on Thursday 4 May 2023 have been published

Notices of Election for the local government elections taking place in Rutland on Thursday 4 May 2023 have been published and can be viewed on the county councils Upcoming Elections page.

If you would like to stand as a candidate in May's local elections, you can get more information and request a nomination pack by emailing: elections@rutland.gov.uk or calling: 01572 722 577

All nomination forms must be completed and returned to Rutland County Council by 4.00pm on Tuesday 4 April 2023.

This election is one of the easiest to stand in you only require a nominator and a seconder. Live, or work or own property in the area.

To ensure you are able to vote in this year’s elections, make sure you are aware of the following key deadlines:

  • Register to vote by midnight on Monday 17 April 2023

To have your say in the election you need to be registered to vote. The easiest way to do this is through the national Register to Vote website

  • Submit new applications to vote by post and postal proxy by 5.00pm on Tuesday 18 April 2023

If you are registered to vote and would like to vote by post or postal proxy in this election, you can download an application form on the Electoral Commission website

Alternatively, please contact Rutland County Council very helpful Elections Team by emailing: elections@rutland.gov.uk or calling: 01572 722 577.

  • Submit new applications to vote by proxy (not postal proxy) by 5.00pm on Tuesday 25 April 2023.

If you are unable to vote in person and would like to appoint someone to vote by proxy at a polling station on your behalf, you can apply through the Electoral Commission website

Alternatively, please contact Rutland County Councils Elections Team by emailing: elections@rutland.gov.ukor calling: 01572 722 577.


  • Apply for Voter ID by 5.00pm on Tuesday 25 April 2023

To vote in person at a polling station in May's local elections, you will need photo ID.

If you don't have accepted photo ID, you can apply for a free voter ID document, which is known as a Voter Authority Certificate. For everything you need to know about accepted photo ID and how to apply for voter ID, please see the Electoral Commission website

Please note, you do not need photo ID to vote by post.

Votes cast in Rutland's local elections will be counted in the Council Chamber on Friday 5 May (the day after Polling Day).

If you have any questions about these elections, please check the Elections and Voting area of on Rutland County Councils website or email: elections@rutland.gov.uk