Showing posts with label Oakham Cemetery Progress Rutland County Council and Oakham Town Council May 2016. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oakham Cemetery Progress Rutland County Council and Oakham Town Council May 2016. Show all posts

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Oakham Cemetery Progress Rutland County Council and Oakham Town Council May 2016

Oakham Cemetery Progress Rutland County Council and Oakham Town Council May 2016

I am pleased to see the progress made by Rutland County Council

All the orange plastic has gone and the place looks a lot tidier.

I am astonished that Oakham Town Council after many years of talking to
Rutland County Council no nearer to being ready to take over the cemetery 
than they were this time last year.

I am not surprised to read the deputy leader of Rutland County Council has
written a letter to Oakham Town Council suggesting the working group has
broken the councils code of conduct.

It unfortunate two members were appointed to this group and tarnished 
with the unprofessional of the old group members.

Many times I have made suggestions about the way forward and was 
ridiculed by the former Mayor. The Town Council is meant to be taking 
over the ownership of the cemetery and despite the obvious suggestion
they have not even appointed a solicitor.

We have spent £80 on training the Clerk on how to run a cemetery 
We have not tendered for a maintenance contract it is like so much 
at Oakham Town Council a embarrassing disaster.  

The planning and parks has been cancelled, the following was to be considered
shocking that this is the result of two years progress by one of our working 

Report no.


Agenda item:

Date of meeting: 11th May 2016

Report Author: Councillor Peter Ind

Subject: Update on possible purchase of cemetery

3. Improve and increase facilities within the Town.

For well over a year there has been dialogue with RCC about taking over the running of Oakham cemetery together with associated land and buildings.

Since the re-formation of the working party various meetings have taken place as follows
25th February - working group plus Smithers Purslow.
12th April - working group plus Smithers Purslow.
21st April - working group with RCC representatives.
26th April - working group to prepare draft report.
The bulk of the work proposed by RCC has now been completed. Visual inspections show considerable improvements to the whole site but concerns remain about the adequacy of the road works, the overall condition of the headstones and the general cosmetics. We do not feel qualified to report on the chapel and other works and feel it is now appropriate to have our own professional input to evaluate the overall condition.
The session with RCC resulted in fairly robust debate with somewhat entrenched positions. Whilst taking over is still an objective, we made it clear that we needed to take a business line approach.
A full risk assessment will be undertaken after survey but current indicators are that this will be a loss making venture with the likelihood of significant capital outflow over the years.

  1. The working group continues dialogue with RCC and works with professional advisors and develop a Business Plan. It is hoped the same personnel can continue for 2016/2017.
  2. A full survey of the buildings walls and gravestones be undertaken together with comment on the RCC structural appraisal and defects report.
  3. The £5,500 contribution to maintenance be made in 2016/2017 with a review later in the year about future contributions.
We are obtaining two quotations from suitably qualified organisations and the figures should be to hand at the meeting for Council decision.


LETTER from deputy Leader of Rutland County Council sent to 
Oakham Town Council