Showing posts with label Oakham Community Hub Tabletop Sale in Aid of Oakham Royal British Legion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oakham Community Hub Tabletop Sale in Aid of Oakham Royal British Legion. Show all posts

Friday, September 25, 2015

Oakham Community Hub Tabletop Sale in Aid of Oakham Royal British Legion

Oakham Community Hub Tabletop Sale in Aid of Oakham Royal British Legion

If you need to clear out your home of unwanted items perhaps unwanted gifts
this is your chance to do just that.

24th October 2015

10am - 4pm

£5 per table 

Sellers will need to provide their own table.

For booking information please contact:

Joyce Lucas

01572 755718

No Commercial Sellers will be permitted. So if you are wanting
to sell new things please contact organisers of those types of events. Example

The Community Hub is the former Gym located on Royce Recreation Ground
Princess Avenue Oakham Rutland.

This will the first of many event that hopefully will see this asset owned
by Oakham Town Council being used for the benefit of the entire community
for many years Oakham Town Council has let the premises to private individuals
who have profited. In 2012 saw Oakham Town Council spend nearly a
quarter of its income on fitting out the premises for a private gym.
They have since move on the Oakham Enterprise Park run by Rutland County
Council. Oakham Town Council are currently proceeding with legal action
to recover rent due from the former tenants, that figure being three of the
issues with Oakham Town Council 2014 - 2015 accounts when payments
were marked received in error.

Personally I can't wait for the centre to be refurbished and fully opened
to Oakham residents. It won't matter if the council does not make a profit
as long as running costs are covered that should be fine.

Over the last ten years at least Oakham Town Council income from
the premises has been under 10% of what it spent on it.