Showing posts with label Oakham Mayor Adam Lowe Some Might Say he is a Dishonest Thug. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oakham Mayor Adam Lowe Some Might Say he is a Dishonest Thug. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Oakham Mayor Adam Lowe Some Might Say he is a Dishonest Thug

Oakham Mayor Adam Lowe Some Might Say he is a Dishonest Thug

I wrote to our Mayor to ask if he would pay for the damage he caused to my tripod and laptop.

The tripod was a gift but that is not the point it needs replacing.

Adam Lowe's biggest lie is his claim of "actual bodily harm and damaged my clothes when you DID assault me." 

Adam Lowe took of the Mayors Chain, His Jacket and Tie and pushed me out of my chair
I did not fall as he states.

I wonder which Councillors are going to lie for him?

Assault causing actual bodily harm (ABH) is a criminal offence under Section 47 of the Offences Against the Person Act. ABH involves assault or battery causing actual physical harm to the victim. The harm does not have to be serious, but must involve more than a shove to sustain a charge of ABH.

I most certainly did not cause Adam Lowe any physical harm, this man in my opinion is nuts
and quite frankly his bullying conduct scares me.

Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2016 at 10:03 PM
From: "Adam Lowe"
To: "Martin Brookes"
Subject: Re: invoice Adam Lowe CD
Dear Cllr Brookes

Can you evidence that you own the tripod and laptop. 

These were given to you in previous comments you have made!

Can you evidence how the damage was caused, as all the statements I have 
seen show that you damaged your own equipment when you fell on it when breaching
code of conduct and standing orders.

Can you evidence that you attempted to contact me as there have been none.

You accepted risk for your belongings when you used them in a 'public' place,
I never damaged them, you did, you have chosen to ignore Council requests to place 
your belongings in a safer location, the table in the corner was suggested when Alf was 
Chairman, but you clearly know best.

I believe the outcome of the Police investigation should come first, after all I may be submitting 
damage claims against you for actual bodily harm and damaged my clothes when you DID assault me.

Which can be evidenced, which was witnessed.


Adam Lowe