Showing posts with label Oakham Mayor Answering Questions About Secret Investigation Into The Clerks Accounting Incompetence. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oakham Mayor Answering Questions About Secret Investigation Into The Clerks Accounting Incompetence. Show all posts

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Oakham Mayor Answering Questions About Secret Investigation Into The Clerks Accounting Incompetence

Oakham Mayor Answering Questions About Secret Investigation Into The Clerk's Accounting Incompetence

The Mayor refused to fully answer my questions quoting LRAC guidance note 26
"need to know"

I asked the questions relating to what was described as a secret investigation
being conducted into the Clerk's incompetence. Via an anonymous text message.

The Clerk made mistakes with last year accounts I asked for them to be re-audited
this was turned down.

Perhaps the Mayor Cllr Alf Dewis believes there was dishonesty committed
when the Clerk accidently wrote of rent and arrears due from one of our former

I don't think the NLAC guidance applies to my question in this case. I was not
asking to see documents just for the sake of seeing. I was asking about an
investigation into a serious issue.

The Clerk lied this evening when another financial matter was raised.

The Mayor lied about a payment he was responsible for he only told the
truth once the local press asked him.

With so many issues and concerns about the financial procedure at Oakham
Town Council I thought the Mayor would be more open and transparent.

What I find odd about the NALC guidance on the "need to know"
is the council's clerk an employee can decide whether a Cllr can see
or know anything.

Who decides what the Mayor can keep confidential Oakham Town
Council is fast becoming his dictatorship,

The rest of the meetings video will be published tomorrow
it was a total shambles.  I do wish Cllr Stubbs would go home
instead of having to put up with his constant mumbling "if he
speaks again I am going home"
I think the meeting was awful and it must have been the worse
because even the Deputy Mayor swore at least three times.