Showing posts with label Oakham Neighbourhood Plan Nearly One Year On Little Progress. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oakham Neighbourhood Plan Nearly One Year On Little Progress. Show all posts

Thursday, January 05, 2017

Oakham Neighbourhood Plan Nearly One Year On Little Progress

Oakham Neighbourhood Plan Nearly One Year On Little Progress

It's disappointing that not much has been achieved over the last year.
It's also disappointing that Cllr Michael Haley still refuses to provide comprehensive
reports to the full council.

I have read the notes of meetings from the working group website. The group is
very good at complimenting itself but appears to have achieved very little.
Most of the documents I read about producing a neighbourhood plan state the
need to involve all members of the community and to attract people as they go along
who can provide what is needed to produce the plan. They don't mention anything about
paying to train people on matters like conducting surveys etc.

One major concern I have is the working groups failure to communicate to the
full council. Such things as requests from RCC Cllrs and other matters that need
input from the Town Council. So I have written to the council pointing out just one
case and suggest Cllrs might like to look at the working groups notes to see what
is going on.

Dear Oakham Town Council

This evening I visited the website of the Neighbourhood Plan.

I read the meeting notes, I am concerned that the notes tell a different story from that presented to council. Michael Haley presents us with
very vague reports often just asking for money. The reports give us very little information and it would appear from the notes like the one shown below Michael Haley may be writing to outside bodies on behalf of the council without its knowledge or consent:

Michael Haley has never reported to us that RCC Cllrs desire to discuss anything with OTC, even though it states he
will refer the matter to the TC. why?


OTC - response to RCC   Please can Michael or OTC let me know what response was sent to RCC if a response was sent 
please can Michael Explain why it was not put to full council for approval? 

From Notes of NP SG Meeting, Wednesday, 26th October 16.00

RCC Council Leader Approach

Following our successful Event , some RCC Councillors had expressed a wish to discuss
current areas which may affect the NP with the SG Chairman and OTC. It was stated that
the current process is that all questions which the SG has for RCC regarding information
which affects the NP should be asked of RCC as agreed within the existing SLA. Correct
channels should be used and Michael will refer this matter to the TC where a response can
be agreed. The SG voted unanimously in favour of this. Liz stressed the need for positive
ongoing dialogue with RCC and for us to continue to communicate questions needing
answers from RCC Planners.


OTC - response to RCC

The notes also show Michael Haley recognises the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group is a working group
of the council. From the notes I can see he expresses the need for the working group to comply with 
Oakham Town Council rules. If that is true could he and the group please start providing us with full 
and comprehensive reports and when a response from OTC is required please could Michael or the group
seek consent from the Town Council?

Until the working group provides ask with the required reports can I suggest all members refer to the meeting 
notes available on the neighbourhood plan website. It might even help increase the website stats.
I found it odd the working group were impressed that it received 15 visitors after a five hour publice event.

Also in the notes it was interesting to read the group blame a public misunderstanding for the crap information
pack the group sent out to all households. Why did the note include what Michael told the public "delibratley 
sent out confusing information to engage you" Personally I find it astonishing that the group wasted thousands pounds of
tax payers money sending out duplicated screen shots from their website with no proper explanation.

Kind regards 

