Showing posts with label Oakham Rutland Cracks Down on Speeding with Community Watch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oakham Rutland Cracks Down on Speeding with Community Watch. Show all posts

Monday, May 13, 2024

Oakham Rutland Cracks Down on Speeding with Community Watch

Oakham Rutland Cracks Down on Speeding with Community Watch

Motorists in Oakham Rutland, beware! Community Speed Watch has arrived, and with it comes a renewed focus on keeping the roads safe. While volunteers can't issue fines themselves, their high visibility presence and use of technology are proving effective in slowing down traffic.

The program relies on trained volunteers equipped with devices that capture images of speeding vehicles. These images are then uploaded to a secure server for verification. Verified speeding offenses trigger a warning letter sent directly to the registered vehicle owner.

While these initial warnings don't involve penalties, repeat offenders will attract the attention of the police. Typically, after two documented speeding incidents flagged by the Community Speed Watch, the authorities will send a formal reminder about traffic laws. And if a vehicle racks up three warnings, a more thorough investigation by the police might follow.

This initiative highlights the importance of responsible driving in Oakham Rutland. The presence of Community Speed Watch serves as a visible reminder to motorists to slow down and prioritize safety for everyone on the road.