Showing posts with label Oakham Town Clerk Allison Greaves Locks out Public and Members. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oakham Town Clerk Allison Greaves Locks out Public and Members. Show all posts

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Oakham Town Clerk Allison Greaves Locks out Public and Members

Oakham Town Clerk Allison Greaves Locks out Public and Members

Oakham Town Council membership did not impose this new restriction

The Chairman denies it is anything to do with him, the restrictions don't effect
him. I tried to establish who was responsible this evening and he rudely responded
and said it was the Clerk Allison Greaves.
He slammed the office door in my face, it is clearly fine for him to be alone
with the Clerk in a locked office.

His total lack of respect for me and other members continued into the meeting.

Yes I did finally tell him to 'shut up' as there is only so many times I think anyone
should tolerate his style of bullying and disrespect.

The meeting completely fell apart as Cllr Dave Romney started to point out some
of the many clerks failings and the failure of the council to conduct her review.
Cllr Haley is very protective of the clerk.

The meeting was adjourned as nearly all councillors including me started shouting
at each other.

This council is broken beyond repair and it is a shame the tax payer has to continue to
fund the pointless council, in fact it is a utter disgrace.

Recently the Clerk gave a statement to Leicestershire Police full of lies.
In that statement she claimed when I turn up for council meetings early to
prepare and possible meet the public we represent, she finds it intimidating.
If Cllrs wanting to carry out our duties is intimidating then perhaps she should consider
if public office is the correct role for her.

At the same meeting the council voted not to support my request for a locum clerk until this
legal matter is finished. Proving the clerk does not really have an issue with me. The issue is the
council and her inability to carry out her duties as Clerk correctly. I have given members one example
of this and have many more and if I am prosecuted due to her false allegation of stalking and harassment all the other failing will be used in court and that includes Grant Thortons report
of last year which they stated in their opinion there was a significant failure of governance.
Because of her failings.
Cllr Michael Haley does not think significant is serious???

After the meeting the Chairman Cllr Michael Haley followed the Clerk into the office and slammed the door and locked it. Probably not a wise thing for any man on Oakham Town Council to do when you consider the Clerk is willing to lie in police statements by making false allegations of stalking.