Showing posts with label Oakham Town Council Christmas Lights Could Be Switched Off. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oakham Town Council Christmas Lights Could Be Switched Off. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Oakham Town Council Christmas Lights Could Be Switched Off, Cllrs Threatened with the risk Civil Prosecution If They Comment On-line

Oakham Town Council Christmas Lights Could Be Switched Off, Cllrs Threatened with the risk Civil Prosecution If They Comment On-line

Cllrs are not the only ones at risk a qualified electrician has pointed out a greater risk in his email
to our deputy Mayor "In my opinion there is a risk of shock and fire" 

Once Again after spending over £10,000 to put and take down Christmas lights Oakham
has a poor and dangerous display of lights

Over the last four years the towns displays have decreased despite the increased costs of using
the Contractor Lite Ltd.

This year they re tendered and details of the tendering was held in private because the
council felt it was not in the public interest for the public to know who was seeking their

The deputy mayor of Oakham Cllr Adam Lowe added Lite Ltd were originally not willing
to tender due to the past mentions on my blog and social media.

The current installation is poor and is unlikely to meet any basic electrical standards.

There could be a risk to people and property and the council does not want anyone to

The Deputy Mayor Adam Lowe sent all Councillors an email, which in my opinion contains
a threat. The Town Council or any other Councillor can not suggest to other Councillors
that they should not communicate their safety concerns.

At this stage I was not intending to blog about this matter, most will know I don't like like threats like this so one so I have chosen to publish this post and some of the photographs of the poor standards
of work carried out by sub contractors appointed by Lite Ltd

Email From Our Deputy Mayor.

From: Adam Lowe [mailto:adamfromoakham@yahoo.co.uk]
Sent: 15 December 2015 09:41
To: Richard White
Subject: LITE Lights


Can you advise ALL Cllrs that LITE have been contacted regarding the concerns highlighted by Martin Brookes and ##############.

Can I remind ALL Cllrs that under no circumstance should they should contact LITE direct, it is either through the Office or myself.

I have only contacted LITE as ########### asked me to take action. Ordinarily Richard would deal with this request.

I have requested LITE review the photos from Martin  (not his comments) and ######### comments.

Can I also request that NO comments are sent in electronic communication or posted on Twitter , Blogs and the like as we are all representing the Council. 

Unfounded allegations, conjecture or personal opinions are not professional and could if you are making them as Councillors could make the council or indeed
your selves liable to a civil prosecution.

Thank you for your co-operation.

Regards Adam

Cllr Adam Lowe Oakham Town Council


I have had some real concerns identified to myself by another Town Councillor.

Can I ask please that you review the concerns, see the pictures, and give me your feedback as a matter of urgency please.

It has been suggested that as so many of the intermediate icicles are out and were out from day one that no testing was carried
out, can EML produce the PAT test and ANCHOR test sheets to confirm that this was done, e-mail them to the Clerk should be fine.

I had noticed that the White Lion string and lamp post feature continue to be off more than on, can EML re-visit this please?


Adam lowe

Another email sent to the deputy Mayor from a qualified electrician

Good morning Adam

As a qualified Electrical  Engineer I am very concerned at the disregard of both the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 and the 17th Edition of the IEE Wiring Regulations that these photos indicate. In my opinion there is a risk of shock and fire and I suggest the Contractor is contacted, by e-mail to provide a record, immediately with instruction to inspect, test and correct without delay and that the lighting is isolated until rectified.



If a private individual did not use a qualified electrician and installed
anything like this in or around their own home they would most likely be prosecuted.

As a Cllr and resident I concerned about the subcontractors apparent lack of concern for public