Showing posts with label Oakham Town Council Cllr Adam Lowe Bullying and Intimidation. 22nd June 2016 Special meeting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oakham Town Council Cllr Adam Lowe Bullying and Intimidation. 22nd June 2016 Special meeting. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Oakham Town Council Cllr Adam Lowe Bullying and Intimidation. 22nd June 2016 Special meeting

At the special meeting on the 22nd June 2016 Cllr Adam Lowe constantly stated my actions as a resident exercising my rights to object to items on the councils accounts was a waste of money and the public had a right to know who was wasting their money

The public does not have a right to know who is objecting to the accounts.  I don't mind people know I raise objections

He also stated my objections will be unfounded.

His constant emphasis on the cost and his prediction of the auditors findings and conduct towards me before and after the meeting is bullying and intimidating.

When I arrived at the council office this even he slammed the door in my face twice, This shows no
respect I can provide recorded evidence of this incident.

Once I was permitted to enter the council chamber Cllr Lowe sat pointing a camera at me and challenged me regarding the resignation of Cllr Alf Dewis for unlawful conduct. To his camera he said so Cllr Brookes is happy he harassed a Cllr making them resign. I responded I did not harass I simply pointed out the unlawfully conduct of Cllr Dewis and yes I was pleased the bully had gone but I did not harass him. Cllr Lowes actions before the meeting were bullying and intimidating me.

As the chairman of the council the NALC  guidance says the chairman should be in the chamber to welcome and visitors to the meeting not intimidate or bully as he did. His conduct was supported by his deputy Michael Haley who sat next to him. He suggested Cllr Lowes conduct was acceptable because I record meetings and they don't want to be recorded.

The conduct of these two councillors is appalling and was intended to provoke me into a reaction which I am pleased to say they did not succeed although it did have an effect on my mood and concentration at the meeting.