Showing posts with label Oakham Town Council Councillors Questions For Next Meeting Employment Issue. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oakham Town Council Councillors Questions For Next Meeting Employment Issue. Show all posts

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Oakham Town Council Councillors Questions For Next Meeting Employment Issue

Oakham Town Council Councillors Questions For Next Meeting Employment Issue

At Oakham Town Council we are not permitted to mention anyone's names
but on my blog I can.

The questions are aimed at Cllr Alf Dewis our Chairman and Mayor
who is attempting to sort out the long running employment saga
involving one of the staff.

Cllr Dewis clearly forgets the lovely little town council is not his.
All members have a legal right to know what is going on and
are legally bound to make decisions at formal meetings and not
as individuals or small groups. This must be very annoying for him.

Because Mr Dewis is steaming ahead attempting to resolve the
employment issue without consulting the full membership
I feel the need to ask the following questions at the next meeting.

Dear Oakham Town Council,

It is common knowledge that Oakham Town Council for a number of years has had
a staffing issue. What surprises me is the fact the matter has not been discussed
at full council, even as an exempt item. A considerable sum of tax payers money
is being spent to rectify the issue and none of this expenditure has been approved
by full council. As a Cllr I am shocked to receive an email from a member of
on Thursday telling me they were going home and would not be returning to
work until Monday because it was all part of the agreed return to work scheme.

All Cllrs employ this employee and should have knowledge of the current situation.

So here are my questions to be asked at the next council meeting at the point of
Cllr questions.

(1) It is my understanding that the law clearly states no councillor can make any decision alone
and all decisions should be made by all councillors. Therefore could the council please
explain under what authority was a large sum of money recently paid out for employment legal advice
and personnel services?

(2) Oakham Town Council currently has a serious employment issue, please can you explain
why decisions to remedy this issue are not being considered by the full council?

(3) It is my understanding the staffing committee has no powers to act for the council, but it appears a long
ongoing employment issue is being handled by at least one of that committees membership.
When will the Staffing Committee provide the full council with a full report and its recommendations
for the full council to decide?

(4) It is is public knowledge that Oakham Town Council is  dealing with a serious employment issue.
can the council explain why the staffing committee have not felt the need to meet for over 2 years
to advise the full council of the issues?


Cllr Martin Brookes