Showing posts with label Oakham Town Council Dedication and Commitment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oakham Town Council Dedication and Commitment. Show all posts

Friday, November 14, 2014

Paper Waste, Oakham Town Council Dedication and Commitment, Video

Paper Waste, Oakham Town Council Dedication and Commitment, Video

For each meeting Oakham Town Council provide a mountain of paper
due to their refusal to upload appendices.

Some of the councillors look at the documents provided during the meeting.
Some don't keep any future use as I mentioned in a previous post shown
The video shows how a councillor tears up their copies and places them
in the envelope they were sent in.

The Council has a good computer and projector why don't they use it instead
of wasting so much money on paper, printing and copying.

If the council used the screen they would be complying with the local
government act. They fail to provide all members of the public attending
all documents relevant to the meeting.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Oakham Town Council Dedication and Commitment

Oakham Town Council Dedication and Commitment

Since the last full Oakham Town Council meeting, I have
been attempting to get Oakham Town Council to comply
with new local government law that states there should
be no hidden documents at meetings. Everything should
be made available to the public.

At the last meeting the chairman referred to a pink pack
which contained application letters from co-option
candidates and undisclosed other information.

The Town Clerk has written to me stating no documents
were distributed at the meeting. So they can not provide
me with anything.

The Video evidence is very clear, the chairman refers
to the distributed pack and asks members to refer to
the content when making up their mind who to vote

I raised the issue with a councillor and received the
text shown above. I admire their commitment to 
the role of Councillor! 

I think this confirms what I have said for a long
time Town Councillor are only rubber stamping
and don't really care about our town.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Oakham Town Council Dedication and Commitment

Oakham Town Council Dedication and Commitment

Since the last full Oakham Town Council meeting, I have
been attempting to get Oakham Town Council to comply
with new local government law that states there should
be no hidden documents at meetings. Everything should
be made available to the public.

At the last meeting the chairman referred to a pink pack
which contained application letters from co-option
candidates and undisclosed other information.

The Town Clerk has written to me stating no documents
were distributed at the meeting. So they can not provide
me with anything.

The Video evidence is very clear, the chairman refers
to the distributed pack and asks members to refer to
the content when making up their mind who to vote

I raised the issue with a councillor and received the
text shown above. I admire their commitment to 
the role of Councillor! 

I think this confirms what I have said for a long
time Town Councillor are only rubber stamping
and don't really care about our town.