Showing posts with label Oakham Town Council Elections 2019. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oakham Town Council Elections 2019. Show all posts

Saturday, March 30, 2019

Oakham Town Council Elections May 2019

Oakham Town Council Elections May 2019

It is highly likely due to  public opinion of Oakham Town Council, some or if not all the seats will be heavily contested this May.

Oakham Town Council costs the tax payers far too much money. most of its income is spent
on administrating the council.

They bully their critics and have done this for many years. I am pleased to say the public is now taking notice.

The Good Things The Town Council Does.

Parks and Play areas

The council pays contractors to look after three parks/play areas in Oakham.
(Grass Cutting and litter picking.)
Despite receiving complaints from residents about the condition of play equipment,
the council does nothing to address their concerns.  accept it removes damaged equipment and often fails to replace it. The council is very well known for being reactive rather than proactive.

Flower Displays in the town

Oakham Town Council spends thousands of pounds for a few months a years on hanging baskets.
(it provides them to business who contribute nothing and in some cases leave them to die)

Band Concerts

During the summer months the council arranges for bands to play on the bandstand in Cutts Close.

Christmas Lights

Slightly improved last Christmas

The Bad Things The Council Does

The council had absolutely no interest in the County Council plans to change our town,
(one way system etc.)

Neighbourhood Plan

After three year the council has failed to deliver a neighbourhood plan, a recent draft was so bad
and embarrassing, it was sent back to the working group. It was hard to believe £20,000 of local
tax payers money had been spent on what was put before the council.
The Council refused to apply for grants at the start, which is a requirement. Only last year it
secured a grant of around £7,000 Those who run the council behind closed doors were so confident that the plan would be ready for referendum this May, they did not set any sum of money for the plan in the 2019 - 2020 budget.
Most of the council members have shown a total lack of interest in the neighbourhood plan and have been satisfied with the lack of reporting to council by the group over the years.
Personally I blame former Oakham Mayor and Cllr Michael Haley who resigned from the council
after members of the public were critical of his actions at the Town meeting last year.

Mayors New Chain

The council totally oblivious or uninterested in public opinion agreed to spend £7,000 on a new chain.


Despite the council never previously funded twinning jolly's and the Oakham Twinning Group have funds, enough to spend £600 on lunch for 7 visitor and a few local hangers on, Cllr Adam
Lowe persuaded the council to agree to spend nearly £1000 on taking the visitors to see sights the
of Rutland and Lincolnshire, clearly there is nothing for them to see and enjoy in the town they are twinned with (Oakham)

Time for change.

I understand a lot of residents want change, they want a council that serves them and has the
best interests of the town as a priority.

I would like to be elected to help these people. If I am not elected and the council is made up
of all this new people, I will be very happy and my ten year battle with this pointless, costly bullying council would not have been a wasted one.

All I ask is you don't vote for Adam Lowe the biggest bully, I can say that now as the monitoring officer and a independent investigator have responded to a recent complaint made about Oakham
Mayor, Oakham Town Council and Rutland County Councillor Adam Lowe. they are referring the complaint to Rutland County Councils Conduct Committee it will be heard on April 2nd 2019.
The feel there is sufficient evidence that he has breach the code of conduct.

The video below is a good one to watch, to see how seriously Oakham Town Council takes its
planning role.

It is best viewed from 8 minutes 2o seconds in. It should start at that point.

You may decide after watching this video that no existing member of Oakham Town Council
should receive any votes.