Showing posts with label Oakham Town Council Errors in Expenditure Errors in Income. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oakham Town Council Errors in Expenditure Errors in Income. Show all posts

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Oakham Town Council Errors in Expenditure Errors in Income

Oakham Town Council Errors in Expenditure Errors in Income

Since 2010 when I told the Clerk Richard White the accounts were poorly
presented I have endured the wrath of his supporters.

To add insult to injury Councillors made up from the old guard continue
to congratulate the clerk for his hard work.

As a Councillor I am lied too and frequently laughed at
during conversations with the Clerk.

On the 10th June members of the council approved accounts which contain
many errors.

The Clerk does not mind this because it is a fact the accounts are not sent
to the external auditor for checks.

The Council approves a statement which is sent to the external auditor Grant
Thornton who are paid a large sum of taxpayers money to look at it.

Here is the revised statement they will see if approved by Councillor on
Monday evenings special meeting:

On the 10th June 2015 myself and two new councillors voted against
approving the statement of accounts.

The Clerk mumbled "I do not know why they did that"?

The answer is because it was incorrect due to errors in the poorly
presented accounts placed before members to consider.

I raised the issue of the rent arrears due by Body Power Fitness Ltd

I asked why this debt did not appear on the statement.

Cllr Howard kindly pointed out it appeared in papers attached.
Yes I knew that it showed £750 was due.

Why £750 when we are now told it is £2250.

The company directors have enjoyed  cosy relationship with our Chairman
Cllr Alf Dewis who helped set them up in business when the council
spent a quarter of its income when he was last Chairman and Mayor
Not only did they benefit from around £64,000 of Oakham Taxpayers
money he arrange two official openings, I believe at the time the
High Sheriff questioned why he was opening the gym a second time.

Was someone at Oakham Town Council trying to make the companies
debt vanish?

The taxpayer is unlikely see a penny of the rent arrears which are due
up to June this year, Because the company is formally being liquidated.

Its good to see the owners have now risen like a phoenix and are now
trading from a Rutland County Council property.

On the 10th of June despite raising the fitness centre error and supported
by two other Councillors The Clerk Richard White said we were wrong
and this can be viewed on the last meeting video.

A few days later the clerk contacts members via email to tell us there
are two errors in the statement of accounts.

Nothing was mentioned about the fitness centre debt just two invoices
placed in the wrong accounts?

We have a situation where our chairman Cllr Alf Dewis arranges contracts
and spends taxpayers money without correct authority and instructs
two members to investigate without apportioning blame?

No wonder the Clerk thinks he can public tell Councillors they
are wrong when they are clearly correct.

The deputy Mayor Cllr Adam Lowe tells me this is not a serious issue
but when is anything serious to that funny man.

It is serious as Councillors we are trusted by the public to ensure
thier money is spent and accounted for correctly.

It appears from the facts put before us our internal auditor has failed
all members.

But frankly I am sick and tired of some members including the
clerk refusing to listen to me and others. If they had the
accounts statement could have been deferred whilst they were
checked. Instead of the council once again confirming to the
public its practices are incompetent and unprofessional.

On Monday I will write down what I have to say and I will not
be approving the new statement of accounts.

Because of the large differences between in figures since
the 10th June 2010.  relating to the fitness centre debt.
and if the Clerk and the Auditor fail to spot three
accounting errors then I believe there could be more.

I will also ask for a company to be called in to forensically
examine the accounts and the council's accounting procedures.

If this is refused and I can see no good reason considering
what has happened, I will make a report to Leicestershire
Police Investigation Unit.

Taxpayers money should not be handled in this sloppy

And if the old guard Cllrs Dewis, Joyce Lucas, Stan Stubbs
Blanksby and Co stopped farting around with their chums
in attempting to find a ways of blocking me from being
trying to be an effective parish councillor we would not be
needing this meeting Monday.

One of the Councillors who investigate told me they
found the Clerks manner similar to how he is towards
me, I wonder if they will mention that on Monday