Showing posts with label Oakham Town Council Meeting 9th November 2017. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oakham Town Council Meeting 9th November 2017. Show all posts

Thursday, November 09, 2017

Oakham Town Council Meeting 9th November 2017 Report

Oakham Town Council Meeting 9th November 2017

Before the meeting started, The Clerk Allison Greaves, told me that her union says when I video record and publish meetings of our meetings, I am harassing her. She said she does not mind audio
recording but as it was her place of work she has a right not to be filmed. 

The law states the council can not tell anyone what or how they can film meetings.

I told the clerk perhaps she should not work in public office if she does not want people to 
see her.

Oakham Town Council has spent thousands on its own equipment but we are told it is faulty???
and that is why they don't comply with the law which requires them to publish at least an audio
recording on their website.

Oakham Town Council has always objected to me recording meetings and attempted to make
it difficult for me to do. They changed standing orders stating all recording equipment must
be placed on a table in the corner of the room. My camera is attached to my laptop and as I 
am now paperless I need my laptop on the table in front of me. Members raise the breach
of the standing order every week.

The Chairman of LRALC who is now a Rutland County Councillor tells me he had the same issue
at his parish council. 

The publication of last nights recordings will be delayed for another reason.

Before the meeting started the chairman told us why Cllr Peter Ind had resigned from
the Planning Committee it was because I 'record the planning meetings and focus the 
camera on him as chairman' I think this was just a very poor excuse and it was more 
likely to be that he objected to me and another councillor being appointed to the planning 

3. MINUTES (Appendix A)
To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 11th October 2017

The minutes were approved after some discussion and containing errors. I pointed out I had sent emails to the council and was ignored when I received the draft. The Chairman Cllr Haley said he did not receive my emails and said I had not sent anything, other members 
disagreed with him.

Members of the Public are invited to address the meeting in accordance with procedures laid
down in Standing Orders 1(d) – 1(i)

Rather embarrassingly there were members of the public present who witnessed very poor 
conduct from most members present. They made no deputations. 

To receive written and a verbal report from Working Groups and Steering Groups and to make any decisions as appropriate:

The Chairman of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group addressed the council and 
took it to be a plea for council direction and funding requirements.

I question our Chairman Cllr Michael Haley again about some promised grant funding
at a meeting a couple a months ago he responded in his normal way that showed he 
had something to hide. I reminded him of this and he gave a honest answer.
The councils locum clerk was to late in submitting a grant application. He was not overly
bothered by that, why because the Oakham Tax Payers had already paid the £9,000 this year
as a additional charge on their council tax bill. Cllr Haley's attitude of being not overly bothered
is typical and disgusting. Many times I told him and the council of the need to apply early 
for grants to fund the Neighbourhood Plan and was told I was wrong. 

As the new Chairman of the Neighbourhood Plan pointed out there is a need for more
people to become involved in the preparation of the plan. Cllr Michael Haley has restricted
who can be involved. He has constantly blocked my involvement. I do hope we are not going 
to throw many more thousands at this pointless plan which to only have it thrown out by
the inspector like Melton's was due to the lack of resident involvement.
The town council only agreed to start a plan when former Mayor Alf Dewis found out we
would receive a larger slice of the 106 or developer contribution. Pure greed rather than
any interest in the towns future.

after I made some comment about the promotions of Oakham Working Group report
and activities, Cllr Lowe called me liar three times.

9. STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS (Appendices Di, Dii)

These were accepted, I raised a number of questions which are to be answered via email
mainly due to the Clerk failing to enter payment descriptions into the computer.
I also asked about outstanding rent arrears due from a former tenant, I doubt if I will 
get a response.

To receive a report and to make any decisions as appropriate

A working group has been set to sort out working groups and the 
council structure.

Cllr Lucas was very vocal about the need for two meetings a month 
it is a shame she did not speak up at the time former Cllr Dewis meddled
and changed everything. Instead she decided not to attend the formal
meetings and did not attend the meeting when the recommendations 
were discussed and changes were made.

I am not sure why the clerk included in her report two other items.
The council is suffering from IT issues due to its provider.
So I asked that separately that a working group was set up to assist in 
sorting out the Clerks issues. This was supported by Councillor Woodley 
and then no one else would support it. meaning this will return to council
in December and the council may then set up a working group and nothing will
get done until next year! 

(i) To consider a report and to make any decisions as appropriate
(ii) To approve expenditure

This was deferred to February meeting due to the poor conduct of most members.

15. BUDGET 2018 – 2019
Working Groups to provide detailed requests for inclusion in draft budget

Budget request were given but not shown to Council

The last item was exempt and it is correct it was exempt. I can not report what was 
discussed, but I will say that the way the Chairman Cllr Michael Haley handles 
employment matters is disgusting and very unfair to our staff. I can not see any
other organisation conducting employment matters in the way he does. 

To decide whether to exclude the Press and Public under Section 1 of the Public Bodies
(Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, as amended, during consideration of Item 17 on the
Agenda as it concerns confidential matters

 17. STAFFING COMMITTEE UPDATE (Appendix J to follow)
To receive a tabled report from the meeting of the Staffing Committee held on Friday 3rd
November 2017 and to make any decisions as appropriate