Showing posts with label Oakham Town Council Meeting Report 11th June 2014. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oakham Town Council Meeting Report 11th June 2014. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Oakham Town Council Meeting Report 11th June 2014



APOLOGIES received from Cllr Dodds still ill, Homophobic Haworth out of town could not be bothered to attend.

Cllrs  confirmed the minutes of the Annual Meeting of Oakham Parish held on
Wednesday 14th May 2014
and the minutes of the Annual Meeting of Oakham Town Council held
on Wednesday 14th May 2014


the Chairman attended a lot of events
Cllr Joyce Lucas mentioned the County show and thanked the Mayor for helping erecting the gazebos.
She also mentioned attending a pub which has won a live music grant of £10,000 She said she enjoyed a local group call opaque. Cllr Alf Dewis attended the opening of a play area in Welland Way.


Anne Lewis spoke about a Brooke Road Planning application.

I spoke about co-option and the planning sub committee.

To decide on the person to be co-opted as the new member of Oakham Town Council
for the Oakham North West Ward

Oakham Town Council Co-option, Process a complete failure and defamatory comment

Tonight Oakham Town Council failed to co-opt a new member.

I had the pleasure of attending a interview a week ago after another member of the public.

I was called by the Mayor who at the time mistakenly told me I would not be co-opted. I never expected to be.

Since then their preferred choice had pulled out.

So this evening Oakham Town Council had to consider me!

What surprised me was two Councillors spoke in support of me. They recognized my faults and also mentioned them. No one is perfect.

Homophobic Cllr Haworth's  supporters used their spokesman to rant just on about my faults, I have a problem with his defamatory comment. He said not only do I disrupt meetings as a member of the public, he went on to lie by saying, I disrupted all meetings when I was a member of the council.

It is true and documented that I refused to leave one Staffing Committee meeting when I was a member.

If I had an issue with anyone at a meeting I would wait until after the meeting, like the time Dewis provoked me and I think I told him to stick his head up his bottom or something like that.

This was not true of other members for example, when I asked a question once and the then chairman instructed me to shut my mouth.

Talking of mouth its time that Haworth & Co's spokesman washed his out, he often swears at meetings, like tonight he said, just bloody well let them get on with it.

Going back to the candidate who pulled out, I am not sure if he found the one meeting he attended of putting or if it was Cllrs Lucas grilling him afterwards starting with her comment, "How did you find that boring nonsense"?

To decide whether to authorise the ongoing absence of Cllr Mrs Maureen Dodds due
to ill health since her last attendance at a meeting of the Council or any of its
Committees on January 29th 2014

Oakham Town Council always keen to keep seats blocked by ineffective Councillors voted to  authorise absence.

To consider a report on the possible appointment of a Planning Sub-Committee and to
make any decisions as appropriate.

Oakham Town Council, Sets Up Planning Sub Committee to look Professional, No Terms of Reference?

The new committee will be made up of Cllr Stubbs, Cllr Martin, Cllr Lockett and Cllr Nowell.

When the committee was proposed by Cllr Stan Stubbs, Cllr Joyce Lucas referred to her old script well done she said I have been campaigning for this for ten years. Then she voted against it!

If I did not know Cllr Lucas so well I would say she thought hang on how can we have a committee that has no terms of reference. The truth could be seen in her facial expression when she learnt only four Councillors will be making all planning decisions and this would not be her.

The Town Council is very small and yes I think a committee with delegated powers to deal with the small applications is fine.

Stan Stubbs slipped up when he responded to a question about other Councillors input. He said they could not speak at meetings and they could not vote the second part of that answer would be correct.

I hope they sort this out and all members are trained in planning and major applications are heard by the full council and the option for member to call in an application should be included.

Ward Councillors should show an interest in developments in their ward and the committee should make provision to include them in the process if required.

Cllr Stubbs intentions are good and Cllr Alf Dewis seems for a change to agree with me as he stated the council has looked very unprofessional in the past. The setting up of this committee has been very unprofessional. At the moment the Town Council has given four Councillors legal permission to do anything they please.

To consider the following applications received and to agree on any comments or
observations to be made to Rutland County Council

(i) 2014/0436/FUL Mr Charles Dukes
Construction of a single storey rear extension to the north east elevation of the
171 Brooke Road  APPROVED

(ii) 2014/0440/FUL Mr Ian Hodgkin
 Construction of conservatory to rear (north-west) elevation of dwellinghouse
 40 Irwell Close  APPROVED

(iii) 2014/0448/FUL Mr Evans
Construction of a single storey rear extension to the east elevation following
demolition of existing conservatory
1 Peterborough Avenue  APPROVED

(iv) 2014/0455/FUL Marston’s Inns and Taverns
Minor Material Amendment to planning permission APP/2010/1170/PG
(Construction of Public House / Restaurant (Class A3) and associated works)
to seek minor changes to the layout and design of building and minor changes
to the material schedule
Land South West of Lands’ End Roundabout, Lands’ End Way

Cllr Lockett said we desperately need another pub!
Cllr Lucas asked if the road shown on the plan in purple was a hammer?

(v) 2014/0469/FUL Mr and Mrs B Cooper
Construction of a first floor rear extension to the north elevation of the
dwellinghouse. Part conversion of garage to utility room
20 Digby Drive APPROVED

(vi) 2014/0445/FUL Mr Ben Anghilleri
 Erection of shed to side (south) elevation of dwellinghouse
 14 Schofield Road

Cllr Lowe asked is it for a mobility scooter or something stupid like that, know one knew.


(vii) 2014/0312/FUL
Construction of a two storey side extension to the south elevation of the
dwellinghouse following demolition of existing car port. Construction of a
single storey rear extension to the north west elevation. Conversion of loft
space to provide additional bedroom (Revised application)
37 Brooke Road


(viii) 2014/0476/PTA Professor Colin Ockleford
Crown lifting of 6 N0. Elms, coppicing of 1 No. hazel and crown lifting of 1
No. flowering cherry, 1 no. Laburnum and 1 No. Thuja
23 Stamford Road

Cllr Stubbs was not impressed with the hand drawn plan and questioned whether it was drawn by the Professor.

The tree warden made her comment about the problem of building homes in woods and suggested the proposed work be approved, it was APPROVED
The Mayor asked what is coppicing after the tree warden explained I personally still did not know what it involved.