Showing posts with label Oakham Town Council Meeting Victoria Hall Oakham Rutland 12th December 2018. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oakham Town Council Meeting Victoria Hall Oakham Rutland 12th December 2018. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 08, 2019

Oakham Town Council Meeting Victoria Hall Oakham Rutland 12th December 2018 Video

Oakham Town Council Meeting Victoria Hall Oakham Rutland 12th December 2018 Part 1

There was a moments silence at the beginning of the meeting for a former clerk who died.
Most member did not know him.
Oakham Town Council is very selective when it comes to those it remembers.
It often ignores the passing of some former members and more so when it comes to Rutland County Council. On this occasion it decided to remember former Rutland County Councillor Terry King
who was leader for a time until he became ill.
I chose not to take part in that for personal reason and conducted myself in a professional manner considering the circumstances I found myself in. Prior to the meeting I had written to all explaining
why I would not be taking part if the Council chose to remember Mr King,
Cllr Lucas was once again wrongly permitted by the Chairman to read a prepared statement letting
the public know she wanted to dissociate herself from me and my decision not to stand. One could say she ruined the moment for those who did want to remember Mr King.

Since Mr King has passed I have not published any comment against Mr King but as Cllr Lucas said my internal email had offended the entire town I will explain in brief why I did not stand but remained silent.

First there was Mr Kings friendship with the deluded vindictive Cllr Joyce Lucas, who he assisted many times when she used to bother the local police far too often about me.
The is the file of threatening and intimidating emails  he sent me over the years.

The threatening phone calls to residents who disagreed with his plans for Rutland highlighted in Private Eye a few years ago.
The threats continued up to the time he became ill. When one resident who objected to the library and children services plan was told by Mr King over my dead body you will never become a county councillor.

These are a few of the reasons I did not stand and remember Mr King.

Cllr Adam Lowe should not have permitted Cllr Joyce Lucas BEM to read out in breach of our standing orders yet another prepared statement publicly attacking me.

Oakham Town Council Meeting Victoria Hall Oakham Rutland 12th December 2018 Part 2

Even if you just watch the end of part one and the start of  part two you can see what an idiot Councillor Adam Lowe is,  as he falsely accuses me of insulting the chairman of the town council.
He sent out document to us and included a note instructing all member to read all the documents
which I did and as normal it is clear that he and Anne Skipworth had not read them, so he decided to
attack me as normal by suggesting I was insulting him? Then in public he rather foolishly attempts to test and catch me out. note how Anne Skipworth failed his test.
I do hope he is not this foolish representing my ward on Rutland County Council.
The man is a idiot and a bully, I am not sorry that is the only way I describe the fool after the email
he sent me before Christmas. In that email he denies a conduct complaint against him was upheld talks and rants on about tolerating me. It should read the council tolerates him. One of our members
often says to me she would not like him if he treated her in the same appalling way he does me, I find this annoying that people see what he does and say nothing!

Oakham Town Council Meeting Victoria Hall Oakham Rutland 12th December 2018 Part 3

I am pleased we have Joy Clough on the council, she is much better than I am at putting across the law than I am.

One example is the way in which Oakham Town Council lets out its properties

She read out what the Secretary of State requires and that is all Parish Councils /Town have to let land and properties at the full market value.

Something which Oakham Town Council has failed to do for many years.

Whole allotment sites let to a couple of groups for peanuts, who then let out plots to residents and then often call on the council to fund improvement and maintenance and know one has a clue what the societies do we the income.

The Tennis Club and the Bowls Club both private clubs who rent very large sites for a few hundred pounds a year including a valuable car park and also expect the tax payers of Oakham to pick up the bill for repairs to buildings.

The Old Gym Princess Avenue never let at market value and for around two years the council charged the tax payers the loss of income whilst it remained empty.

The precept this pointless Council demands could be greatly reduced of it manged its properties correctly and in a way the Secretary of State and the law requires.