Showing posts with label Oakham Town Council Now Has A Strategic Plan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oakham Town Council Now Has A Strategic Plan. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Oakham Town Council Now Has A Strategic Plan

At long last the town council has a plan it may look a little basic but after many years of
not having any agreed vision this is a great start.

I first raised this as a concern back in 2010 and was ridiculed by the old guard.

More recently I raised it again with the Mayor Cllr Alf Dewis and his response
was we have tried and it was to difficult to complete.

Well done to the new Cllrs who worked on this, the plan will be reviewed when required.

I think this might be the sort of serious trouble myself and other new Cllrs might cause the old
guard in an allegation the ex Cllr made in his recent resignation letter.

The new Cllrs and myself want to see positive change like this. Personally I feel if the old
guard is not open to change and professionalism they should also resign to make way for
more new Cllrs as good as the four new ones.

Oakham Town Council Strategies

December 2015

1. Lead and facilitate the production and maintenance of a Neighborhood Plan.

2. Ensure that Oakham remains a viable and pleasant environment in which to live, work and play.

3. Improve and increase facilities within the town.

4. Maintain and improve OTC land and buildings for the benefit of the community.

5. Promote the town as an attractive place to visit and stay.

6. Work with and in partnership with the Community, Rutland County Council and other partner groups.

7. Ensure robust financial controls are in place to enable the delivery of cost effective services as required now and in the future.

8. Provide a supportive and professional environment for staff to enable professional development and ensure efficient and effective working practices.

9. Provide development for Councillors to enable them to skillfully and effectively fulfill their role.