Showing posts with label Oakham Town Council Once again wants to spend £6000 for a new chain for the Mayor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oakham Town Council Once again wants to spend £6000 for a new chain for the Mayor. Show all posts

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Oakham Town Council Once again wants to spend £6000 for a new chain for the Mayor

Oakham Town Council Once again wants to spend £6000 for a new chain for the Mayor

Oh dear not again. The last time this came to Council Alf Dewis was Mayor and the council
correctly objected.

This is 2019 and we don't need to be spending £6,000 of public money on fools gold and silver.

The Town Clerk has used one of the former Mayor Michael Haley's pointless strategies to attempt to justify the expenditure on her report prepared for the next council meeting.


No5 Promote the town as an attractive place to visit and stay.

Apart from the cost of the chain it is proposed we buy a blue velvet collar priced at £231.00 +VAT
and a storage box for £408 + VAT It's not even Gucci?

I do not go to work and pay my council tax for it to wasted on such pointless extravagance.