Showing posts with label Oakham Town Council Planning Committee Meeting Minutes 21st November 2017. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oakham Town Council Planning Committee Meeting Minutes 21st November 2017. Show all posts

Thursday, December 07, 2017

Oakham Town Council Planning Committee Meeting Minutes 21st November 2017

Oakham Town Council Planning Committee Meeting Minutes 21st November 2017

Oakham Town Council has now decided to use the minutes to note my comments
and actions at meetings rather than just recording the council business.

At the planning committee meeting and before it started the Clerk Allison Greaves
and The Planning Chairman Adam Lowe misinformed me that I should declare
an interest in three items both wrongly claimed I was in breach of of a predetermination
law abolished after the introduction of the localism act of 2011.

This is why we need a Clerk who is qualified and has an understanding of local goverment

Note they fail to minute the reason for my 'two interruptions'. Why would they want to
minute they got it wrong like they so often do.

Note they do not minute a request made to Cllr Anne Skipworth who did not declare and
interest. After she said we should approve the application from the vet hospital because
she was a customer and they were good.

Cllrs Adam Lowe (Chair), Mrs Anne Skipworth, Mrs Joyce Lucas BEM, Paul Buxton, Martin Brookes

1 member of the public was also present
It was noted that Cllr Brookes was in breach of the rules by not complying with the Councils protocol
on the use of recording equipment. He refused the Chairman’s instruction to place his recording
equipment on the designated table

The Chairman also advised Cllr Brookes if there was any disruption in the chamber which resulted
in the dog being present (who accompanied Cllr Brookes) that he and the dog will be asked to leave
the meeting immediately

43/17 APOLOGIES – Standing Order 1(u)
(i) Apologies for absence had been received from Cllr Woodley
(ii) It was proposed by Cllr Brookes seconded by Cllr Lowe and unanimously resolved to
approve the absence of Cllr Woodley due to a prior commitment

(i) None declared
(ii) No other interests were declared

45/17 MINUTES – (Appendix A)
It was proposed by Cllr Skipworth, seconded by Cllr Brookes and resolved with 4 votes for
and 1 abstention to approve the minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on
Wednesday 8
th November 2017
At 6.04 pm it was noted that Cllr Brookes did not comply with Standing Orders (11 a,b) in that he
refused to follow the Chairman’s instructions to stop from interrupting on 2 occasions. The
Chairman gave Cllr Brookes a warning that he would invoke Standing Orders in view of his
disruption caused by over speaking and interrupting other members


Members considered the following applications received to date:

(i) 2017/0726/FUL Mrs Smith
Extension to the main hospital building and alterations to the 2nd stable block by
converting an area of it into student accommodation
Oakham Veterinary Hospital, Ashwell Road
Recommend approval
Proposed by Cllr Skipworth, seconded by Cllr Buxton and unanimously resolved

(ii) 2017/0816/LBA Mr Walden
To re-instate and make good existing doorway at the back of no.20 & 20A Melton
Road, Oakham to form a fire escape
PDQ, 20 Melton Road
This was a retrospective application however members have reservations that the
upper timber lintel should be steel and to accommodate the required 6” span on each
side of the opening. A fire door should not be opening inwards and due to the poor
standard of work and pointing would question the integrity of the wall

(iii) 2017/0990/FUL Mr Needham
Single storey rear extension
9 John Clare Close
Recommend approval on the proviso that the neighbours’ concerns are considered
Proposed by Cllr Lucas, seconded by Cllr Skipworth and unanimously resolved

(iv) 2017/1010/FUL Mr & Mrs Bryant
Rear extension for utility room & WC
3 Glen Drive
Recommend approval on the proviso that the neighbours’ are kept informed
Proposed by Cllr Lucas, seconded by Cllr Skipworth and unanimously resolved

(v) 2017/1014/FUL Mrs Roberts
Change of use from Wine Bar (Class A4) to Retail (Class A1)
Unit 2, Bakers Yard, Church Street
Recommend approval
Proposed by Cllr Lucas, seconded by Cllr Buxton and resolved with 3 votes for, 1
against and 1 abstention
(vi) 2017/1025/FUL Mr Bryant
Single-storey rear extension
22 West Road
Recommend approval
Proposed by Cllr Skipworth, seconded by Cllr Lowe and unanimously resolved

(vii) 2017/1026/FUL Mr Richard
Replace part slabbed drive with concrete driveway with sustainable drainage to
existing storm system
 16 Digby Drive
Recommend approval but members would like a reassurance that the drains can
accommodate the extra storm water that would be generated
Proposed by Cllr Lucas, seconded by Cllr Skipworth and unanimously resolved

(viii) 2017/1031/CAT Mrs Angrave
1 no. Robinia Tree – Fell to ground level
17 Dean’s Street
Recommend approval as per the application
Proposed by Cllr Lucas, seconded by Cllr Buxton and resolved with 3 votes for and 2

There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 6.35pm
