Showing posts with label Oakham Town Council Planning and Parks Committee Report. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oakham Town Council Planning and Parks Committee Report. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Oakham Town Council Planning and Parks Committee Report 23rd October 2013

Oakham Town Council Planning and  Parks Committee Report 23rd October 2013

This evening I attended a Oakham Town Council meeting, something I have not been able to do for some time.

I was pleased to find most of the old guard was absent. Cllr Dodds was present and caught up with many agenda items when other members had completed that item, poor old thing.

I was pleased to see the remaining mainly newer councillors seem to be a lot more professional and surprisingly they had even looked at the planning applications before the start of the meeting.

Cllr Guthrie welcomed us all that was Cllrs and two members of public.

Apologies were received from

Cllr Lowe (Mayor) all accepted
Cllr J Woodcock. all accepted
Cllr Dewis. all accepted
Cllr Haworth 1 abstained 
Cllr Lucas all accepted
Cllr Nowell all accepted

Cllr Dyer (late) (detention for the teacher I think)

More to follow in the morning

Members are asked to declare, if required:
(i) Any Disclosable Pecuniary Interest they may have in respect to items on the agenda
(ii) Any other interest they may have in respect to items on the agenda

Members are also reminded to inform the Clerk of any changes in their Register of Members’


Members confirmed the minutes of the meeting of the Planning and Parks Committee held on
Wednesday September 25th 2013 after a few mistakes were corrected, it was also pointed out Cllr Martin was present.



Cllr Peter Lockett reported LandsEnd clothing would donate £500 towards the planned improvements to the Willow Crescent play area suggesting the council should buy and display sign to highlight donations from local companies, after that purchase and the payment to Gregg to fit it there might be a little of their donation remaining.

CLERK’S REPORT due to his absence there was no report.

 To decide on any comments to be made to Rutland County Council relating to the SCI
(Members are asked to note that this is a lengthy document that has not been copied. The
document can be viewed and downloaded from www.rutland.gov.uk/sci )

I learned it is likely it will no longer be a statuary requirement for Rutland County Council to consult
Oakham Town Council about local planning applications.

What I have witnessed in the past this will be no great loss to the town. The Town Council has never in my opinion taken a proper interest in the plans and development of Oakham. It should do, in other parts of the
country where Town Councils remain they certainly show more concern and have more bite when it comes to dealing with planning issues and district and county councils.

To consider the following applications received to date and to make recommendations
 or observations thereon to Rutland County Council:

It was good to see a much improved professional approach to planning applications.
Cllr Guthrie who had taken the chair in the absence of Cllr Woodcock explained what constitutes a planning consideration to members and pointed out once again the County Councils Planning Portal which works quite well, (my experience of the site is yes providing you know the planning application number otherwise
its search engine is very poor)

(i) 2013/0771/FUL Mr C Binks
Construction of a three storey building, to be used as a music school, incorporating
teaching, practice and performance areas, ancillary accommodation and staff facilities,
with hard and soft landscaping, and new service access onto Station Road
Land at Oakham School, Station Road

Some Cllrs pointed out they could not open some important files on the County Councils planning portal for this application. This application was approved and as the facilities were to made available to Oakham residents Cllrs felt this would be a valuable community asset.

(ii) 2013/0783/FUL Mr C Binks
 Repairs to the roof frames and purlins. Replace concrete roof tiles with blue slate tiles
 Oakham School Shop, 28 Station Road

Approved (maybe they can do the same to the large building located in Market Street where they ripped of slate.)

(iii) 2013/0785/PTA Mr Colin Ockleford
 Crown reduce 1 No. Laburnum by 1 metre and remove limb affecting adjacent shed
 23 Stamford Road


(iv) 2013/0793/PTA Mrs C Drury
 Fell 9 No. Leylandii Trees. Remove 6 lower branches to 1 No. Cedar Trees
 55 Stamford Road

(v) 2013/0847/CAT Mr Foillis
Fell 2 No. Cedar Trees, 1 No. Cherry Tree, 3 No. Cypress Trees, 1 No. Pine Tree, 1 No.
Beech and 2 Apple Trees
 26 South Street

There was considerable discussion about this great loss of trees, Interestingly the tree warden had sent advice in her absence that they should all go. All that after she said on the ward walk it was her role to preserve trees. A  report was provided for one the Cedar Trees and that is clearly causing some root problems. Members were told the previous owner was issued with an anti social order after he refused to reduce the height of the trees. The current owner suffers an allergy caused by the pine trees. Cllr Stubbs said he probably should not have read out those details, (why not planning application and there associated documents are public maybe the applicant should have been a little cautious about the content of the documents) Councillors said they accepted the one tree should go and with out any supporting evidence regarding the other they could not make a decision.

(vi) 2013/0868/PTA Simon Court (Rutland County Council)
 Crown reduce 2 No. beech trees by up to 2 metres
 Amenity Land to the rear of Summerfield


(vii) 2013/0706/FUL Mr G Solomons
 Replacement of 12 No. Windows to the upper floors
 1-3 Burley Corner, High Street


(viii) 2013/0824/FUL Nero Holdings Ltd
 Change of use to ground floor to mixed A1/A3 use
 17-17a Market Place

Cllr Dodds pointed out this property had previously been used as a cafe many years ago. Approved

(ix) 2013/0779/LBA Caffe Nero
Repair and paint shopfront and front of building. Fit traditional sign written fascia and
projecting signage. Internal alterations. Fit air conditioning condenser units to the rear
17 – 17a Market Place

Concerns were raised about the noise levels created in the court yard by the proposed condenser units 89db
(I am sure the neighbours who live very close by will be pleased with this extraordinarily high level additional noise and surely unpleasant if sitting in court yard drinking coffee.

Approved with noise concern highlighted

Caffe Nero proposed opening times

Mon - Fri 7.30am - 6.00pm

Sunday and Public holidays 8.30am - 5.30pm

(x) 2013/0838/FUL Mr T Cowling
Construction of a first floor extension over garage to the side elevation of the
dwellinghouse. Replace glazed roof to conservatory with tiled roof
41 Tyne Road

Approved and members noted highways recommendations

(xi) 2013/0827/FUL Mr T Brightwell
 Single storey extension to side (east) elevation of dwellinghouse
 21 Queens Road

Cllr Stan Stubbs pointed out he did not like flat roofs

Approved with a note highlighting possible issues for number 19 and its appearance, flat roof. 

(xii) 2013/0862/FUL Mr D Stevens
Construction of first floor extension to side (north) and rear (east) elevations. Proposed
front porch and covered area with new pitched roof over garage
22 Glebe Way


 (xiii) 2013/0845/FUL Mr W Nelson
Removal of condition No. 2 of planning application FUL/2004/1274 – The occupation of
the dwelling shall be limited to a person solely or mainly employed, or last employed, in
the locality in agriculture as defined in Section 336 (1) of the Town and County Planning
Act 1990, or in forestry, or a dependant of such a person residing with him/her, or a widow
of such a person
Glebe Farm, Cold Overton Road

This was a typical controversial Rutland planning application a residential large blot on farm land.
The council felt there was no need to change the conditions as the current occupier was compliant with the required  conditions attached to the property. It was felt the only reason for the change was so the property could be easily sold on valuation figures which are planning consideration were shown. (it is one of the ugliest blots in Rutland and if not required for farming staff any longer it should be demolished)

(xiv) 2013/0833/RES Mrs A Lea
 Conversion of barn to 1 dwelling and construction of 3 No. new dwellings
 Land between Barleythorpe and Burley Park Way

Cllr Lockett highlighted the need for more one and two bedroom properties and not more 4 bed so younger people could afford to live in the county. We were told Langham Parish Council did not agree with the application although their comments were contradictory? Application not approved

 (xv) 2013/0839/RES Mrs A Lea
 Approval of Reserved matters for plots 108-125 to create 12 No. 1 Bedroom and 12 No. 2
 Bedroom Apartments
 Land between Barleythorpe And, Burley Park Way

This was also rejected although it contained one and two beds.

Cllr Dodds pointed out her own experience of living in a third floor flat with children and the stir crazy effect that has on residents. Ghetto was also mentioned.

We heard comments from Langham Parish Council stating the building  was to brutal. The colour of the building green, was alien to this part of the country and it looks like a prison block, as the negative comments finsihed Cllr Stubbs commented  I wish they would tell us what they really think!

 (xvi) 2013/0842/RES Mrs Alison Lea (Larkfleet Homes)
 Reserved matters application for the substitution of house type on plot numbers 34 – 46
Land between Barleythorpe and Burley Park Way, Barleythorpe


 (xvii) 2013/0867/RES Mr Alan Finch (Hawksmead Ltd)
Reserved matters application for 8 no. dwellings, including conversion of farm building,
garaging, estate road and cycle link
Land between Barleythorpe and Burley Park Way, Barleythorpe 
