Showing posts with label Oakham Town Councillor Accuses me of being complicit in a cover up for Cllr Vince Howard. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oakham Town Councillor Accuses me of being complicit in a cover up for Cllr Vince Howard. Show all posts

Thursday, May 05, 2016

Oakham Town Councillor Accuses me of being complicit in a cover up for Cllr Vince Howard

I was asked to give Cllr Vince Howard £39 from the sale of raffle tickets 
I had asked what the money was for and when asked by another Cllr where
it was? I thought it would be best that Cllr Howard responded to the question
Just in case I got it wrong. Then I am accused of being complicit in a cover up.

Whilst on the subject of hiding things, and in the spirit of being open and transparent, something you are always saying needs to happen, don't you think you are being hypocritical and selective? I refer to the question I put to you last week about you being seen to take the raffle money at the beacon event? To enlighten other members, here is the text messages

Me - what happened to the raffle money?

You - I can't answer about the raffle at the moment, quite frankly I am sick of this, not with you Jasmine I know where the money went and why but I want to speak to them first

You - do you know where the money should have gone?

You - they want to know where it has gone, I know you had it for part payment for face painting so I don't know what the issue is.  But I won't say until you confirm. I am happy to just say it paid for free 'face painting'. ( I assume this message wasn't meant for me but also went to the person you gave the money to)

You - if Adam is saying I stole it I did not he handed it to me in a money bag I passed it on to Vince (this is a lie, as I asked the question because you were seen taking the money from the raffle pot)

You - I have called Vince they will deal with your question

Tell me Martin, how is this okay for you to do this, and attempt to cover it up, which you clearly did? I can only begin to imagine if it had been other members doing this ... there would have been vitriolic email after email ... just like there was last week when you thought Stan was the current Cllr involved in the 62.5K debacle ... you were disgusted, you called for his resignation and the vile personal attacks on Stan didn't stop! Then when you found out it was another cllr, not a word, no emails, no blogging, no calls for resignation ... how is it okay to attack one Cllr but not another for the same 'deed'?

Some members are fed up with me asking the council to run things correctly and the issues with the councils accounts and procedures are causing a problem for them.

Cllr Tracy Carr also sent me a email in which she attacks me

She seems to be blind to the conduct of Adam Lowe perhaps she did not read the the example email 
attached to last weeks agenda item and did she not hear Cllr Stan Stubbs calling me a bastard in
the same meeting I have never behaved like them.

She says: This is OTC not The Wolf on Wall Street. Since joining the council the only person I've seen being negative and at times nasty is you.