Showing posts with label Oakham and Barleythorpe Draft Neighbourhood Plan Consideration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oakham and Barleythorpe Draft Neighbourhood Plan Consideration. Show all posts

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Oakham and Barleythorpe Draft Neighbourhood Plan Consideration, exempt item?

Oakham and Barleythorpe Draft Neighbourhood Plan Consideration

At next weeks Town Council meeting Councillors will be asked to consider the draft neighbourhood plan.

For some strange reason the Clerk and Chairman have decided to exempt it.


To decide whether to exclude the Public and Press during consideration of items 15 and 16 on the
agenda, under Section 100 (2) of the Local Government Act 1972, as amended due to the
confidential nature of the matters to be discussed

 15. NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN (Appendix F already distributed)
 Review and receive feedback on the draft plan 

I would say it is fair to say the draft plan has been exempted because it is a piece of garbage.

The first 27 pages of 80 give a very egotistic outline of who did what and a terrible write up about
Oakham which includes a brief history.

I can not believe we have spent thousands on a small document that is full of grammar and spelling mistakes.

It also highlights little involvement from residents. example after the big survey a couple of years ago 20 people attended a meeting at the council office, Former Mayor Cllr Haley would not even let me attend.

Many of members of the council have concerns about the draft, The Chairman Cllr Adam Lowe has made it very clear that Councillor can only have 5 minutes each to raise their concerns. Basically
he wants us to rubber stamp the document to fit in with Rutland County Councils timetable for the referendum in May. He has written to one member stating we are not going to undo the work already done by rewriting it etc. I find it hard to believe the document we have to consider is the result of nearly three years work and the cost.

The cost is fine according to the Clerk it is OK because it has not cost as much as some other plans.

The Steering group failed to apply for grants at the start in the end they applied for one and received £7000 the remaining cost has been added to the precept each year.

Oakham Town Council should not be exempting the plan as it  is not about an individual or any reason the local government act would permit us to exempt.

I will not be voting to support this draft and will no be making comments at the meeting as it would be pointless, I will have to wait for the public consultation where all comments have to be attached to the draft and comments and answers attached before it is passed to the independent inspector.