Showing posts with label Oakham in Bloom Christmas Window Competition 2016. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oakham in Bloom Christmas Window Competition 2016. Show all posts

Saturday, December 03, 2016

Oakham in Bloom Christmas Window Competition 2016 Photographs

Oakham in Bloom Christmas Window Competition 2016

Voting for this years Christmas Window Competition Closes Monday 12pm

You can vote for your favourite window using a slip at the Melton Building
Society on the High Street.

44 Business's have entered and donated to Oakham in Bloom.

Click Link to Vote


Albar's Den Crown Walk

Altered Images 
Mill Street

Elique South Street
That is Pippy who organised 
the competition for 
Oakham in Bloom

Bakerlot @ Cookies 
Mill Street Oakham 

Baubles and Bangles 
New Street Oakham

Beauty at Olive 
Olive Tanning 
Crown Walk

Carpet World

Hungry Birds Coffee Shop


Curios & Clobber
Knights Yard 


Elizabeth Stanhope

Ellique Gaol Street 

Fika Cafe

Fords of Oakham 
Church Street

Gaol Street

Harpers Salon
Melton Road

Hungry Birds Coffee Shop
Burley Road

Impact Market Street

Itch Gallery

Kids and More 
Crown Walk

Knights of Oakham

Langrick & Coe

Mill Street

Marcia May
Mill Steet

Mill Street

Pearces The Jewellers

Pollen Florist

Post Office Box

Voting Box in the Melton Building Society

Quirky Bird Gifts
Crown Walk

Reid Residential Lettings

Rutland County Museum

Rutland Toys & Dance Boutique

Sally Holmes Florist


Mill Street

Tesco Oakham

The Lean Pantry
Mill Street

The Melton Building Society

The Spotted Robin 
South Street


Mill Street

Whoops A Daisies

Portess of Oakham Ltd 

Abigail's Bridal Cold Overton Road
(Photo Oakham in Bloom)

Vista The High Street

Pure Mill Street 

Heidi Kjeldsen Jeweller Mill Street

Abigail's Bridal Cold Overton Road

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Oakham in Bloom Christmas Window Competition 2016

Oakham In Bloom


42 traders have signed up and paid Oakham in Bloom to enter this years Christmas window compettion.

Customers visiting Oakham Town Centre will be asked to vote for their favorourite window

Voting slips are available from all traders who have entered.

Completed slips have to be deposited in the voting box at the Melton Building Society 
before the late night shopping event 5th December 2016

Hungry Birds Coffee Shop in Burley Road thanks to Victoria has entered I
wonder if she will be baking some pumpkin pie to make room in her window

Tonnerre  Catmos Street a hair salon full of fine local ladies who are known to produce Oakham's latest news whilst sitting in the chair as Tracey and other stylists snip away.
Anyone who has seen Steel Magnolias would know Tonnerre.

Pearce & Sons Jeweller  High Street windows full of sparkles thanks to Anthony

Colemans High Street  Stationary and more thanks to Joanna

Itch Gallery Mill Street nothing will make you itch here, unique gifts and 
and artworks created by artists, thanks to Jenny

Altered Images (Wool Shop) Mill Street Lots of wool and buttons and things
this shop window is often dressed for charity, thanks to Chris

Vista  Charity Shop High Street

Albars Den Crown Walk Tiny windows stuffed with sparkly gifts all year round thanks to Helen

Kids & Moore Crown Walk The School uniform specialist and you can even buy
kids glove for £1 babies shoes for 50p, thanks to Sally Anne 

Olive Tanning Crown Walk a place where people come out looking pretty,
makeup, nails and a tan. thanks to Jeanine

Heidi Kjeldsen Jeweller Mill Street a very special little shop where people
can buy unique specially made gifts, thanks to Heidi Kjeldsen

Bake A Lot @cookies / Deli   Mill Street a popular place for a takeaway
lunch or an indulgent snack, my favorourite being a Brie and Cranberry 
Baguette, not to often I am getting fatter. Thanks to Jason Harris-Lowe

Marcia May Mill Street Shoe shop for grown ups and children known for
super customer service, Thanks to Bev

Lumison Mill Street Lights for all places indoors and outside, thanks to James

Vanilla Mill Street Ladies clothes and accessaries 

Quirky Birds Crown Walk gifts for all, thanks to Jane

Otters Mill Street Deli and a place to eat, thanks to Leo

Spotted Robin South Street a new gift shop, thanks to Libby/Fiona

Curios & Clobber Gaol Street, Knights Yard, thanks to Jackie

The Lean Pantry Mill Street A healthy option to eat and drink, thanks to Luke

Duo High Street Ladies Clothes and Accessories, thanks to Gail & Pam

Reid Residential Lettings Market Street, thanks to Val

Snap Dragon Mill Street Gifts, thanks to Debbie
Pollen High Street Florist, thanks to Liz

Hair Works Gaol Street thanks to Jackie 

Sally Holmes Florist Melton Road, thanks to Sally 

Carpet World High Street

Fika CafĂ© North Gate Oakham's very own mini Ikea style cafe, thanks to Shaun 

Melton Building Society High Street 

Whoops A Daisy Melton Road Childrens and Babies clothes, thanks to Rachael

Baubles And Bangles New Street Ladies clothes and accessories, thanks to Lynn 

Langwick & Coe High Street Optitians, thanks to Hilary

Rutland Toys & Dance High Street toys and games for all ages,  thanks to Hanna

PURE beauty Mill Street a place where people come out looking beautiful thanks to

Harpers High Street Hair Salon

Fords of Oakham Department Store Church Street

Elique Beauty South Street, Thanks to Julianne

Rutland County Museum Catmos Street thanks to Rutland County Council

Elizabeth Stanhope Mill Street interior design, thanks to Liz Stanhope

Tesco South Street Thanks to Holly Hitton

Impact Market Place, Dresses and Gowns and other things to make the
ladies look pretty. Thanks to Lauren

Abigails Bridal out of town Cold Overton Road quite a magical looking window
display worth a walk