Showing posts with label Open Letter To Tory Leader of Rutland County Council from UKIP Leader Richard Gale. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Open Letter To Tory Leader of Rutland County Council from UKIP Leader Richard Gale. Show all posts

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Open Letter To Tory Leader of Rutland County Council from UKIP Leader Richard Gale, Helen Briggs what is she costing the poor tax payer

Now I  have seen Mr Briggs is back at work I feel I can mention her.

The Judge pointed out most off the evidence that Mrs Briggs collated at the tax payers expense
was not relevant to her and her complaint.

The Judge suggested Mrs Briggs should  be more robust, I don't agree the bully should resign for harassing me and for the criminal allegations made against her, we all heard DS McDonald drop her in the sh*t as he gave evidence in court.

Open Letter To Tory Leader of Rutland County Council from UKIP Leader Richard Gale

Threats and allegations, what have they all cost?

Dear Cllr. Begy

You are aware that in March 2013 the Chief Executive contacted the Police, alleging criminal harassment by me which was later not pursed after I had been interviewed by D.S. McDonald of the Leicestershire Police.

(1) As Leader of the Council were you made aware of this by the CEO before the allegation was made?

(2) If you were, why didn't you speak to me about this before the allegation was made?

(3) What evidence were you provided with from the CEO regarding this alleged harassment?

(4) Was the Monitoring Officer's or other professional advice sought before the allegation was made? Alternatively

(5) Did the CEO make this allegation without any reference to you or any other Councillor, the Monitoring Office or any other Professional?

I am aware of concerns of several members of the public that feel they have been bullied by the CEO, most recently Mr. M. Brookes, the outcome of his trial now made public and the questions the Judge's comments raise. All charges against him dropped. Do these recent publicised threats and attacks on members of the public and Elected Members potentially lose confidence in the CEO and her judgements on behalf of the Council? They do need to be questioned and justified as soon as possible. Will you do that in an open and transparent way? If the answer is no, then perhaps some other Councillor should grab the reins and lead this?

You may now understand why we continue to seek total clarity on the tragic event of June 2012.

These, including the threat of defamation and other matters, have all cost the Rutland tax payer a considerable amount of money and officer time. How much, £60K,£80K, £100K, more?

Cllr. Richard Gale on behalf of the Rutland Group of UKIP asking for Total Openness and Transparency.
