Showing posts with label Planning Application APP/2013/0004/HN. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Planning Application APP/2013/0004/HN. Show all posts

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Jeakins Weir Ltd, Oakham Town Council, Let Residents Down, Planning Application APP/2013/0004/HN

Jeakins Weir Ltd, Oakham Town Council, Let Residents Down, Planning Application APP/2013/0004/HN

Although one can not predict the outcome of this application before it comes before Rutland County Council

You would expect Oakham Town Council to put forward some comment.

Last night they had that opportunity and they rejected it.

Once again this highlights the pointless purpose of this council.

We all know the outline planning application ended up at appeal and Jeakins Weir Ltd won

The appeal costs to residents and the County Council was a fortune.

So I assume it is highly unlikely that the full application will not be turned down.

The full application gave the Town Council a chance to comment on the plans and requests modification if needed.

They chose not to do any of that. One plan was displayed on the screen and the Clerk said this was a low density build considering the size of the site. No other details relating to the plans were shown.

Cllr Charles Haworth foolishly suggested that the planning application had been taken out of their hands by the planning inspectorate and for that reason, he proposed the council ignored the application and made no comment.

That proposal fell.

The Clerk was then questioned by Cllr Maureen Dodds who asked on what grounds did we reject the outline plans in 2010?  The Clerk responded I don't know.

Cllr Lockett then proposed the council should refuse the application for the same reasons they gave in 2010.

This was approved despite most of those reason being proved to be unlawful at the planning inspectorates appeal.

If Jeakins Wear had been present at the meeting I think they would have departed with a smile on their face.

This Town Council has no interest in the concerns of residents and their handling of this application showed 
them as the fools they are.

There was one councillor who made a attempt to include a comment regarding the screening of the site, Cllr Jayne Woodcock was told she was to late to include that comment before the second proposal was tabled and accepted.

It is my view Oakham Town Council failed to consider this application in accordance with planning laws.

And as a resident I feel the councils handling of this application marked major, was a disgrace