Showing posts with label Princess Avenue Gym. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Princess Avenue Gym. Show all posts

Sunday, March 02, 2014

Oakham Town Council Flora pro.activ Unilever, Royce Recreation Ground, Princess Avenue Gym, Grant Thornton UK

Sometimes I think the Town Clerk is on another planet.

In his report he claims the building the council leases to a gym is bringing in a considerable income.

The truth is yes they charge a rent, nearly £4000 a year less than  the valuation given by
Stephen Reid, when the property was in a terrible state.

The council spent a quarter of it's income doing it up, it has let it out and throughout the period of
the lease it will not get back all the tax payers money spent.

The owners of the gym advertise a room in the building, the rental for this room if let out at the advertised rate fully covers their rent bill.

It is disgraceful how Oakham Town Council looks after public assetts like the property in Princess Avenue.

The owner of the gym is married to a woman who sits on committees that Cllr Alf Dewis sits on connected to Rutland County Council. The couple are ex forces and live in a expensive Rutland Village.

The property was not put out on the open market and the improvement works were not put out to tender.

The Councils auditors Grant Thornton UK said in writing they would look into this matter, they did not.
They were late checking many parish council accounts last year.

I question if they actually did anything for their fee? apart from send out the letter shown below and
the late report saying all was fine with the accounts.

When a firm of auditors writes to you and informs you they are going to check something, surely
they should do that.