Showing posts with label Rutland Money to be launched in March. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rutland Money to be launched in March. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Rutland Money to be launched in March, Rutland County Council, Order Community Bank not to use logo , due to copyright infringement

Rutland Money to be launched in March, Rutland County Council, Order Community Bank not to use logo , due to copyright infringement .

The logo for  Rutland's first Community Bank has been kept  closely guarded secret.

Even at this weeks Rutland County Council meeting the logo was an exempt item, although it could be seen
in front of most councillors whilst they discussed it and then voted to refuse the use by Rutland Money

The council decided that the Logo which contained something that looked and was described as the
Councils Logo was a breach of the Councils copyright. Geoff Pook said the words of it's moto had been
changed and described this as a play on the words.

The crest is depicted and tilted to the far left, I imagine if it had been tilted to the far right this might have
then been considered unacceptable as the banks customers would have most certainly assumed a connection
to with the County Council.

What I can't understand is why Uppingham First's Community Consortium chose the logo as its winning
entry, when its own rules for entry clearly stated:

By entering the competition you declare that the image is your own unique design and nobody else has copyright over it.

Its a pity it looks like there is going to be one very unhappy school student 
because of this.

Rutland's new community bank, to be known as Rutland Money, is to be launched on March 25th at a 
meeting of the voluntary sector Rutland Consortium to be held in Uppingham.

A schools competition has been held to choose a logo for the bank and the winning design awaits 
approval from Rutland County Council.

The bank is to partner with an experienced FSA approved institution which will provide its back office 
and web site. Rutland Money will offer savings and loan accounts on line and at, volunteer led, high street '
hot desks' in Uppingham and Oakham. Membership of the bank will be available to all adult residents 
of Rutland including military families. The bank will also offer a Christmas savings club, junior accounts
and member loans at an interest rate of not more than 2% on the reducing monthly balance. Saving 
members will be paid an annual dividend without deduction of tax at source. 

More information on Rutland Money from   secretary@rutlandconsortium.org.uk   


Rutland Money
the new community bank

Information on Rutland Money can be obtained by contacting us by email info@rutlandmoney.org.uk

Logo competition details

Competition to design a logo for Rutland Money: the new community bank
First prize: £100 cash

Rutland Money is to be a small community alternative to the big banks - it will offer savings and loans to people and businesses in Rutland and will look to particularly help the financially disadvantaged. It will be a Credit Union and will be regulated by the Financial Services

The following Rutland schools have been contacted regarding the competition:
Uppingham Community College
Vale of Catmose College
Casterton Business and Enterprise College
Rutland County College
Uppingham School
Oakham School

Design a graphical logo for a new community bank called Rutland Money.

The logo is to be used on the website of Rutland Money and as a letter head.
Resolution guideline: 300 pixels per cm
Maximum dimensions of full size logo (or its background) when printed is to be 10cm wide x 5cm tall. It can be smaller than this.
The logo can be an image which will be associated with the words Rutland Money when printed, or the words Rutland Money can be included in your logo.
An example of a logo for another community bank called TCU Money can be seen
The logo for Virgin Money can be seen here: http://uk.virginmoney.com/
We are sure you can do much better than these!

The competition is open to anyone aged 12-18 at 31/8/2013 who lives in Rutland or who attends a school or college in Rutland.
Entries must be emailed as a JPG attachment and sent to
info@rutlandmoney.org.uk giving your name, address, telephone number, age and the school or college you are currently attending.
Copyright of the image is to be transferred to Rutland Money Ltd which will have exclusive rights to its use.
By entering the competition you declare that the image is your own unique design and nobody else has copyright over it.
First prize is £100 cash - paid by cheque.
If you are the winner, you agree to being photographed and interviewed by the local or national press for publicity purposes.
The deadline for entries is midnight on 7th December 2012.
The winner will be decided by the Steering Group of Rutland Money Ltd. on Monday 10th December 2012.
The winner will be contacted by phone or email and their name will be posted on the Rutland Money website - along with their winning logo!

Good luck.
Rutland Money Steering Group