Showing posts with label Scam. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Scam. Show all posts

Friday, September 28, 2012

Cybercriminals have launched a scam designed to steal your AOL, Gmail, Yahoo or Windows Live passwords

Cybercriminals have launched a scam designed to steal your AOL, Gmail, Yahoo or Windows Live passwords

Security firm Sophos has warned users to be wary of emails which claim to come from privacy@microsoft.com.
The emails, which are cleverly designed to resemble official alerts from Microsoft, tell users that their computer is at high risk and advises visiting a supposed "update" page.

Upon clicking the link, however, users are directed to a phishing site which attempts to harvest email addresses for webmail services including Gmail and AOL mail.
Once the fraudsters have access to your account they can gather personal information and potentially use it to commit identity theft.

To view the full details of this Action Fraud warning and to see an example of the email go to :   Hackers target Gmail, Yahoo and AOL passwords

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Email from Prince Charles?

Email from Prince Charles? does anyone fall for these scams? 
I guess they must or they would not send so many.
I don't open them, hotmail has a wonderful tool to see inside a e-mail before opening. 
Authentication-Results: hotmail.com; sender-id=pass (sender IP is header.from=princecharles991@gmail.com; dkim=neutral header.d=gmail.com; x-hmca=pass

X-Message-Status: n:0:n

X-SID-PRA: prince charles 

X-SID-Result: Pass


X-Message-Delivery: Vj0xLjE7dXM9MDtsPTE7YT0xO0Q9MTtTQ0w9MQ==

X-Message-Info: nCoVGf4hGnIjAk0oRDlkvYyptfRtFkRvCGzL1jsf/iRtxLoQTI+nD02jba6rbF6l9/SHV7fFDqnyU5IfkKemq5+/NJSo49WcnSv9Xo2PDgRqb2rA3B0NGYcVIos0Ly77E2FluK801kk=

Received: from mail-ew0-f42.google.com ([]) by snt0-mc4-f14.Snt0.hotmail.com with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.4675);

  Wed, 13 Jul 2011 03:38:03 -0700

Received: by mail-ew0-f42.google.com with SMTP id 2so4171423ewy.1

        for ; Wed, 13 Jul 2011 03:38:02 -0700 (PDT)

DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;

        d=gmail.com; s=gamma;






Bcc: martinjbrookes@hotmail.com

MIME-Version: 1.0

Received: by with SMTP id v14mr321361ebo.8.1310553480814; Wed,

 13 Jul 2011 03:38:00 -0700 (PDT)

Received: by with HTTP; Wed, 13 Jul 2011 03:38:00 -0700 (PDT)

Date: Wed, 13 Jul 2011 17:38:00 +0700


Subject: please help me

From: prince charles 

To: jukelzrus@hotmail.com, william.moseley@hotmail.com, 99north@telus.net, 

 ontheloose68@hotmail.com, boxershep@hotmail.com, ariannaderi@hotmail.com, 

 aled1@hotmail.com, F169Mlz9K9YGlNUGOoF00004cc9@hotmail.com, 

 jacquitrahan@hotmail.com, uscourierservice.d@hotmail.com, 

 lincolmsfirms@hotmail.com, geoffnadler@hotmail.com, svghs@hotmail.com, 

 careerenrollment@hotmail.com, hr@duramexoil-uk.com, 

 Educationissues@hotmail.com, hayden_990@hotmail.com, h2thefire@hotmail.com, 

 dgreenwooddp@hotmail.com, remmittantdepartfbn1970@hotmail.com, 

 jaelaoshi@hotmail.com, megabitch666@hotmail.com, Sir_krixo@hotmail.com, 

 Self_confessed_nerd@hotmail.com, natsmalik@hotmail.com, lmartlew@hotmail.com, 

 thomaskinsale@hotmail.com, julianftsm@hotmail.com, rkerr1961@hotmail.com, 

 kstoro_444@hotmail.com, luisapowell@hotmail.com, arthalluk2008@gmail.com

Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=0015174c0fdaaee3f704a7f102be

Return-Path: princecharles991@gmail.com

X-OriginalArrivalTime: 13 Jul 2011 10:38:03.0391 (UTC) FILETIME=[F19C60F0:01CC4148]


Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

*Good day sir,madam*


Charles Precious by name a personality who mother nature has decided to

treat badly. Being the eldest of my parent having five siblings who

could not afford school. I had the opportunity to complete my high

school with the help of my uncle who died two years ago.*


about my lovely parents who i loved and cherish so much, 'oh what a

painful world they were also taken by the cold hands of death and left

me and my siblings to suffer in this cruel world where no one is ready to

help and right now my little sister had an accident and  is now in the

state of coma. the doctor refuse to attend to her just because i have no

money to deposit to the hospital. OH WHAT A WICKED AND HELP WORLD. oh

please God send me a helper who will come to my  aid and save my dying

sister who is about to be taken by the cold hands of death.*


by accident am no more in this world who will take care of my younger

ones. where will we run to, who will we go to, no one is ready to come

to my aid.*

*Except for you reading my mail because

my parents people has rejected us and taken what belongs to my father

and left us suffer alone in this world where people are full of


*Please am begging you don't turn your

back on us as my people did, if you come to my aid you might not know

that you are saving a full family from death and giving it a meaning.

Please as you are capable nothing is too small to a dying family like us

and God will surely bless you in every area of your life.*


due respect i will be waiting your reply. please lest i forget i don't

even have money to visit the internet because of poverty and due to that

i will like to drop my number so that you can also reach me there*


and God bless you*

*Yours Faithful*
