Showing posts with label Sgt Wharton Leicestershire Police Forgetful or Dishonest? Cllr Charles Haworth Anti Jewish Conduct the Rutland Chat Forum Lardboy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sgt Wharton Leicestershire Police Forgetful or Dishonest? Cllr Charles Haworth Anti Jewish Conduct the Rutland Chat Forum Lardboy. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Sgt Wharton Leicestershire Police Forgetful or Dishonest? Cllr Charles Haworth Anti Jewish Conduct the Rutland Chat Forum Lardboy

Sgt Wharton Leicestershire Police Forgetful or Dishonest? Cllr Charles Haworth Anti Jewish Conduct the Rutland Chat Forum Lardboy

Sgt Wharton's case against me was thrown out of court.

Apparently is not illegal to complain about a serving police officer.

It is also not illegal to re-tweet or publish or complain about those tweets to Leicestershire Police Professional Standards.

Even when those tweets might be publicly referring to the complainant as a nut case!

Sgt Wharton clearly expressed concern that his employment record had been blemished by such complaints.

So I guess the public can assist Leicestershire police officers to keep a clean employment record by not complaining about their officers abuse.

Sgt Wharton may have given dishonest or forgetful evidence in court, his evidence was contradicted by Detective Simon Eyley. There appears to be one honest officer working in Leicestershire professional standards...

Sgt Wharton said he had not had any issues from me since my first complaint against him in 2011 and his return to Twitter, against his bosses instructions in early 2013. But he went on to tell the court he strongly believed I was nuts!

He said, he had not had any other dealings with me that was not true.

Some years ago I sat in at meetings he had with a member of the public, who is a local artist and Jewish
who was being attacked in a disgusting anti semitic way by Cllr Charles Haworth AKA Lardboy.
The local police I believe pretended they did not not know the ID of Lardboy and said they could do nothing
to stop the attacks even though he was describing them in a horrid way, I can't repeat all, not wanting to offend.

Cllr Haworth once described them as a Jewish monkey and expressed a wish to poke out the victims eyes so they could paint no more.

The Councillor would photograph the artists work and publish and ridicule their work.

Sgt Wharton's Statement  he states his fears of me?

I am sorry I am no ganster!