Showing posts with label Stamford Kiwanis Bonfire & Fireworks Spectacular. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stamford Kiwanis Bonfire & Fireworks Spectacular. Show all posts

Saturday, November 05, 2022

Stamford Kiwanis Bonfire & Fireworks Spectacular, Stamford Welland Academy, Stamford, PE9 1HE,

Stamford Kiwanis Bonfire & Fireworks Spectacular

Saturday, November 5th, 2022

5:00pm - 8:30pm

Stamford Welland Academy, Stamford, PE9 1HE

Adults £6, Children £3

Stamford Kiwanis Bonfire & Fireworks Spectacular, Saturday 5th November at Stamfdord Welland Academy, Green Lane, PE9 1HE. Gates open 5pm and bonfire lit at 6 o'clock with firework display soon after. Children £3 adults £6 as last year. Cash or card accepted. Hot food, mulled wine to keep you warm, and funfare rides for children. No sparklers please. Event supported by Hanson Cement.

Rutland & Stamford Sound's Rob Persani will be doing the announcements and commentary.

Stamford Welland Academy

Green Lane
