Showing posts with label Statement of Accounts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Statement of Accounts. Show all posts

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Serious Issues with Rutland County Councils Financial Management

Serious Issues with Rutland County Councils Financial Management

The Accounts and Audit (England) Regulations 2011 require the
approval of the Statement of Accounts by 30 September.

This date falls within the period normally allowed for Members to refer a committee decision
to the Council.

I am told because the council has made such a mess of the accounts it does not have enough
time to refer the accounts to full council, so the committee will approve the accounts this Tuesday evening.

I wonder if one hour before the committee meeting Cllr King and his team will find another
million tucked away like the time before.

The Committee will be asked to decide that the matter is of such urgency that no referral of the 
Committee’s decision should be allowed.