Showing posts with label Stuart Syvret Jersey Blogger back in prison. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stuart Syvret Jersey Blogger back in prison. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Stuart Syvret Jersey Blogger back in prison

Stuart Syvret sentenced to prison

Former Jersey politician Senator Stuart Syvret has been sent to prison again - this time for three months for contempt of court.

It is because he has refused to carry out a court order demanding he edit his blog.

He had published a list of people whom he claimed were 'criminals'.

On Monday morning he was due to appear in the Royal Court to explain why he had failed to carry out the order, but did not turn up.

A warrant has now been issued for his arrest.

He has been sent to prison before and released in December 2011

Former senior Jersey Politician, and Health Minister, Stuart Syvret served two months for Data Protection/contempt of court charges.

Mr. Syvret who in 2007 stood up in Jersey's Parliament, while still Health Minister, and said.

Senator Syvret in 2007 as Health Minister

“I have serious concerns, to be honest, about the whole child protection, child welfare standards of performance of Jersey, not just within my own department, Social Services and the Children’s Service, but across the board. I am aware of a number of issues, this being one of them, a number of cases, a number of incidents that lead me more and more strongly to the conclusion that we are failing badly in this area. I am probably going to be seeking to initiate a major independent review into the whole sphere of child welfare, child protection in Jersey. So if you are asking me honestly, do I believe the performance of certain senior individuals within this field and of the departments generally is acceptable, no, it is not.”