Showing posts with label Surprise that Cllr Charles Haworth "is going to be let off???". Show all posts
Showing posts with label Surprise that Cllr Charles Haworth "is going to be let off???". Show all posts

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Surprise that Cllr Charles Haworth "is going to be let off???"

Some correspondence relating to Cllr Haworth's arrest between locals and Northamptonshire and Bristol
if people knew about the councillors conduct so far away from Oakham why did Leicestershire police take no action to stop the hate campaign I have been subjected to since 2009 from disgusting people connected to our local governance?

I have redacted some names to protect my source. I left others because  I feel it is only right for those effected by the activities of Rutland County Councils closed forum know who the members were.

the forum closed by Rutland County Council due to its Racist and Homophobic postings mainly posted by our good councillors and their friends.

From: #################
To: ##################
Subject: RE: Sending you flowers....Happy online friend's day
Date: Thu, 2 May 2013 10:58:34 +0100

Going to be let off??? Do they realise the extent of his harassment both on and offline?? Obviously not.

Charles was Lardboy and freely admitted it at one point but backtracked and denied it ever since. Rasputin really was who he claimed to be and we worked out the link that knew both me and 'im, it really is a small world sometimes.

Got to dash as am off to work, have a part time job in a shop in town and love it. I start at 12 and still need to get ready...


From: ####### ###########
To: #########
Subject: RE: Sending you flowers....Happy online friend's day
Date: Thu, 2 May 2013 09:21:25 +0100

Nice to hear from you too, #####.
Charles (alias Lardboy and possibly Rasputin as well, you tell me!) was also arrested but there are signs that he is going to be let off and all police attention has switched to Brookes. Although I suspect Charles’ political career has been destroyed in the process.
I too have tried to keep out of it and I am also glad I did.

From: ########] 
Sent: 02 May 2013 08:55
To: #######
Subject: RE: Sending you flowers....Happy online friend's day

Hi #####,

Wow, I haven't looked at his blog for quite some time and I had no idea he had been arrested.  I worked out who everyone was on the various forums, didn't like the way it was all going so took a step back from it all. I'm glad I did too.

I never did hear back from Lee or the forum hosts about why everything vanished all of a sudden, I only started up the latest forum as a temporary measure until we all decided what to do but it seems that everyone has moved on naturally and found other ways to keep in touch.
Good to hear from you and thanks for letting me know.


From: ########
To: ##########
CC: applecounty_1@yahoo.co.uk
Subject: RE: Sending you flowers....Happy online friend's day
Date: Wed, 1 May 2013 14:09:25 +0100
Hi ########,
I hope you read this eventually.
Today I read your post in response to Apple. I think you should read He Who Shall Not Be named’s blog and bring yourself up to date with police activities surrounding his attempts to continue as a photographer and blogger.
Sounds somewhat similar to what Apple reported in Bristol.
From: ##########
Sent: 03 April 2013 20:13
To: ###########
Subject: RE: Sending you flowers....Happy online friend's day

Hi ##########,

How useless am I at checking this email address??! I have only just found this message!

I hope you are well and had a nice holiday, hopefully we will get that coffee and chat very soon.

Your online friend of quite a few years now...


From: #########To: decoyfarm1@btinternet.comapplecounty_1@yahoo.co.ukdiannet1@cox.net; ###### bodsmummy@hotmail.comkingvalton@mypostoffice.co.uk;jaysnest.king21@gmail.comjohnmoore@hotmail.com
Subject: FW: Sending you flowers....Happy online friend's day
Date: Thu, 28 Mar 2013 17:10:41 +0000
And a Happy Easter to you all.

From: Bill Clarke [mailto:william.clarke36@ntlworld.com]
Sent: 28 March 2013 11:31
To: #######
Subject: Fw: Sending you flowers....Happy online friend's day

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To: Jill
Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2013 11:03 AM
Subject: Fwd: Sending you flowers....Happy online friend's day

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