Showing posts with label The council unlawfully delegates powers to Cllr Michael Haley giving him power to mediate on and make a decision on behalf of the Council.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The council unlawfully delegates powers to Cllr Michael Haley giving him power to mediate on and make a decision on behalf of the Council.. Show all posts

Monday, June 13, 2016

The council unlawfully delegates powers to Cllr Michael Haley giving him power to mediate on and make a decision on behalf of the Council.

The council unlawfully delegates powers to Cllr Michael Haley giving him power to  mediate on and make a decision on behalf of the Council.

The item this post refers to is the last item at the end of this video

If he makes any decisions on behalf of the council he will be acting unlawfully. Cllr Adam Lowe attempted in a very disrespectful manner to suggest he did not do something in the meeting. I said I could replay the recording of the meeting and he responded in a very childish manner do it. I pointed out the law to the council it was very clearly written on  the external auditors report which all members had that evening. Grant Thornton Stated It is unlawful for any Council to give delegated powers to any individual member. I was told after the meeting by Cllr Michael Elliot it is how you interpret it, I am not sure how many different way you can interpret it is unlawful? In the video clip Cllr Adam Lowe states he will be away so that is why the council needs to give Cllr Haley Delegated Powers. Cllr Lowe brought item 19 to council at the last minute so late in fact it was not publish on-line. Cllr Lowe also breache confidentiality by bringing this item to council and not exempting it. There are very clear instructions in place from Setford Solicitors that the court case against our former tenants and all the information relating to the case should remain confidential until the outcome of the court action. I reminded the Assistant Clerk and The Chairman before the meeting for the need to exempt the additional item as normal I was ignored. Just as I was at the meeting when I attempted to point out the council was breaking the law. I am told since the meeting Cllrs Lowe has and Haley have decided outside a meeting that the Assistant Clerk will attend the court mediation meeting to make the decision this is a total farce because Cllr Haley or Allison Greaves the Assistant Clerk have NO instructions regarding the Councils wishes. The decision on the day is likely to be how little if any the former tenants are going to pay what they owe the tax payers of Oakham. The fact the council has not given any instruction to a Councillor or the Assistant Clerk and unlawfully given Cllr Haley Powers is another example of a break down of governance and once again proves this council is not run by the membership as it should be. I am totally baffled as to why Cllrs supported this unlawful resolution?