Showing posts with label Three Rutland County Councillors Join UKIP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Three Rutland County Councillors Join UKIP. Show all posts

Friday, June 21, 2013

Three Rutland County Councillors Join UKIP

A bad day for the Rutland Electorate.
I am sure this action will see Cllr Gale lose his seat at the next election.
I am told people voted for Richard Gale the Independent hard working Councillor and won't be voting for a far right UKIP Candidate. 
I used to agree with a lot these three Councillors said in the past. Now they have joined UKIP at least two are refusing to talk to me so as far as I am concerned they are no better than the Tory trash they fight.
I was advised not to speak to Cllr Wainwright after he gave me information regarding the tragic suicide of a council employee. Despite reading an e-mail from Cllr Waingwright Ds McDonald and Inspector Mistry put pressure on me to remove Aman Mehra's name from two recent posts. Cllr Nick Wainwright told me rather bizarrely the three of them believed he was murdered.
I removed Aman Mehra's name from the recent posts, Ds McDonald said he was not asking as a police officer? 
I asked him to get the Town Councillor to remove photographs of my friends from their sexually depraved blog in return. This has not happened.
If you read the Councillors statement below you can see they have also been subjected to Leicestershire Police harassment. It appears unlike me they have not yet been charged. 
The relationship between Leicestershire Police and Rutland County County Council is a very unhealthy one.
You only have to look at Twitter to see that an Assistant Chief Constable publicly wishing the new Rutland Inspector well in her new role and refering to Rutland County Council. You don't see this type of comment via other police force Twitter
good luck Lou in your new role as Local Police Unit Commander for Rutland. I'm sure you'll work we'll with

Councillors Statement:
Three Independent Councillors to join UKIP
As three very experienced and long serving Independent Councillors on Rutland County Council we have decided to join the United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) forthwith.
Councillor Richard Gale, a businessman and now farmer, is one of the longest serving Councillors on Rutland Council, having served for 18 years.
Councillor David Richardson, an ex-serving RAF Officer and fighter pilot, has been a Councillor for 10 years.
Councillor Nick Wainwright, a Building Project Manager who has overseen such projects as the build of the British Embassy in Moscow, has been a Councillor for 6 years; formerly a member of the Conservative Cabinet before becoming disillusioned with the way in which the Conservatives were running Rutland Council in the pretence of Conservatism.
In May 2011 we all stood in the election as Independents on a platform of honesty, integrity, openness and transparency along with upholding the fundamental principles of democracy, believing we should always be accountable to the electorate and were there only to serve them.
We formed an Independent Political Group on the Council, under the name of the Rutland Anti-Corruption Group, to make it quite clear where we stood.  Having grave concerns in the way Rutland Council was being run, the Group asked a number of questions in line with our duty and responsibility as Councillors, especially given the number of major multi-million pound land deals; asset disposals; suspect planning approvals and the squandering of millions of pounds of grant funding.  Instead of answers we found ourselves being blocked from receiving the very basic information we are entitled to as Councillors.  As a consequence, with a growing suspicion and concern of serious fraud and corruption, this was duly reported to all appropriate authorities, including Mr Pickles Office.  Nothing was done except prevarication and a determination to ignore the basic facts and interpret law to suit. As we pressed for due diligence and proper investigation, we found instead ourselves to be on the receiving end of accusations and a co-ordinated attack to now do nothing more than denigrate us.  A law firm, Bevan-Brittan, being employed at public expense to investigate us; a Kangaroo Court; vilification by our Local Conservative MP; along with suggestions that we had harassed ##### merely for doing nothing more than ask questions in line with our duty; being placed on a Single Point of Contact (SPOC) restricting us from communicating with the public and Council; finally a Police enquiry against us on the grounds we had supposedly harassed ### ##### #####  It was, in fact, ourselves being harassed for doing nothing more than asking straightforward and reasonable questions.  We are, however, determined to see democracy upheld and the truth revealed and will not be intimidated by such actions.
Having endured all of this, trying to do the best for a Country we love and are proud, a Country we believed upheld the principles of democracy, we came to recognise that as Independent Councillors we are not afforded the protection of a Political Party, this has allowed this Conservative Council to do nothing more than pillory us, whilst running a Council to suit their own end rather than that of the public.
We therefore decided to join UKIP to afford some protection and to have a Political Party supporting us in our endeavours to do nothing more than reveal the truth.  The current misuse and misappropriation of public money is an utter disgrace.
UKIP was the obvious choice, as they supported the same ideals as ourselves; those of honesty, integrity, openness and transparency, along with upholding the fundamental principles of democracy.  UKIP also does not impose a whip, thus allowing Councillors to exercise their own judgement and vote in line with the wishes of their electorate.
We believe, as does UKIP, that Local Government has to be returned to the people and must no longer rest with the bureaucrats, working too closely with Council Leaderships, bureaucrats who do nothing but use the tools of burdensome bureaucracy, created by them, to suit nothing more than their own agendas and interests and most certainly not those of the people.